
From our blog

How Gen Z took us by surprise: The unexpected journey of Serbian students

Vladimir Radunović

Imagine 100,000 people standing in utmost silence for 15 minutes, with their phone flashlights pointed at the sky.  They pay tribute to the 15 innocent people who died under the rubble of the collapsed, newly ...

Humanising immigration: Taking the discussion further

Biljana Scott

In this blog post, I want to respond to some of the questions that were raised during our recent WebDebate on humanising immigration. This is crucial for keeping the discussion going and doing justice to all the valua...

[Summary] RightOn #11: Communicating human rights: How to win the global ‘battle of ideas’


14 September 2020

Communication, Human rights

Studies show that people tend to gravitate more towards negative news than positive ones. While this may be a worrying trend, hope exists for a more positive type of content, according to research led by Prof. Stuar...

Exploring the potential of official/state-owned/institutional social media accounts in the fight against misinformation

Manyi Arrey Orok-Tambe

The world is driven by information. That is almost an understatement in this era. In today’s hyperconnected world, marked by unprecedented opportunities for innovation and transformation, information stands as the f...

Training and courses



Summitry as intercultural communication

In one of his last essays before his premature death in 1972, Martin Wight described international conferences as ‘the set pieces punctuating the history of the European states-system, moments of maximum communication’.... Read more...


Communication barriers to negotiation: Encountering Chinese in cross-cultural business meetings

When two negotiating parties from different cultural backgrounds attempt to communicate, the potential for disagreement and misunderstanding is great. People from other cultural backgrounds, especially from the West, often find the behaviour of Chinese negotiators stra... Read more...

Advertisement, Chart, Plot, Poster, Map, Person, Atlas, Diagram


Knowledge management and international development – the role of diplomacy

In this chapter, Walter Fust talks about the role of knowledge management, and knowledge for development, in diplomacy. He describes various methods to assess what knowledge should be stocked, and explains the need for managers who are assigned the task of deciding wha... Read more...

Book, Publication, White Board, Page, Text, Novel, Blackboard


Language and Diplomacy: Preface

Part of Language and Diplomacy (2001): In the preface below, Jovan Kurbalija and Hannah Slavik introduce the chapters in the book, and extract the general themes covered by the various authors.... Read more...


To joke or not to joke: A diplomatic dilemma in the age of internet

Part of Language and Diplomacy (2001): The first paper, presented by Prof. Peter Serracino-Inglott as the keynote address at the 2001 conference, examines the serious issue of diplomatic communication in a playful manner, through one of the most paradigmatic and creati... Read more...


Applying the pedagogy of positiveness to diplomatic communication

Part of Language and Diplomacy (2001): Dr Francisco Gomes de Matos applies what he calls the "Pedagogy of Positiveness" to diplomatic communication. He proposes a checklist of tips for diplomats to make their communication more positive, emphasising respect and underst... Read more...


Prehistory: Origins of diplomacy and early ‘technologies’

The text explores the origins of diplomacy and early technologies from prehistory. It delves into how human cognitive abilities, cooperation, trade, art, gift exchanges, and the development of language played pivotal roles in the emergence of proto-diplomacy. Tools lik... Read more...

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