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Since 1994, Diplo Academy has trained over 7,500 alumni from 208 countries and territories, including individuals working in governments, civil society, the private sector, media, and academia. Many of our alumni members hold prominent positions in government ministries, diplomatic missions, international organisations, and other institutions.

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21st Century Diplomacy

Text - Sheacoy Julio Walters

 Body Part, Face, Head, Neck, Person, Happy, Smile, Photography, Portrait, Smoke PipeThe course has been exceptionally beneficial to my professional work. Its focus on digital diplomacy and global issues provided me with a deeper understanding of current diplomatic practices, which has enhanced my strategic planning and decision-making skills.

– Mr Sheacoy Julio Walters, Communication Officer Intern, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Consumer Affairs, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Text - Lucila Del Aguila

Diplo alumna Lucila Del AguilaRich in substance and examples, this course offers a learning path of why and how diplomacy should adapt to a constantly changing world. It provides theoretical and practical knowledge, becoming an essential tool to all diplomats and others interested in diplomacy and its evolution.

– Ms Lucila Del Aguila, Economic and Commercial Attaché and Press Attaché, Embassy of Mexico, San Salvador, El Salvador

Text - Michael Bulwaka

Diplo alumnus Michael BulwakaThe course has helped me to redefine my role as a diplomat and to appreciate the emerging challenges and responsibilities of diplomacy today, including the role of new actors like NGOs, think tanks, and academics. I have learned to appreciate other stakeholders as partners and not competitors to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the conduct of foreign relations.

– Mr Michael Bulwaka, Foreign Service Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Uganda

Text - Shannica Plummer-Antoine

Diplo alumna Shannica Plummer-AntoineWith the advent of globalisation, diplomacy has been transformed both in content and nature. The course provided greater insights into the changes in international affairs that are the result of globalisation, as well as how foreign ministries have had to adapt to these changes. This course has also broadened my knowledge and enhanced my ability to reason.

– Ms Shannica Plummer-Antoine, Foreign Service Officer, Regional Unit, Political and Economic Division, Ministry of External Affairs, International Trade and Civil Aviation, Saint Lucia

Text - Rafael Barcelo Durazo

Diplo alumnus Rafael Barceló DurazoThe course offers useful and thorough insight into contemporary diplomacy for practitioners of this discipline. It conveys opportune reflections on the evolution of diplomatic tasks and encourages new approaches to diplomacy through intense feedback and benchmarking.

– Mr Rafael Barcelo Durazo, Chargé of Political and Human-rights Affairs, Mexican Embassy, Costa Rica

Text - Elizabeth Bailey

Diplo alumna Elizabeth BaileyThe course offered an opportunity to understand the impact of globalisation in diplomacy and in facilitating the greater use of information and communications technology. It also helped me understand how the public, who wants to have a say in diplomacy, can have better access to information. I particularly liked the area of public diplomacy and the importance of understanding sources, influences, and public contributions in diplomacy, and calls for the consideration of their views in making policies and decisions in diplomacy.

– Ms Elizabeth Bailey, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Department of External Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Economic Growth, Job Creation, External Affairs and Public Service, Saint Lucia

Artificial Intelligence

Text - Bárbara del Castillo

 Face, Happy, Head, Person, Smile, Photography, Portrait, Accessories, Jewelry, Necklace, Body Part, Neck, Lady, Adult, Female, Woman, Black Hair, HairThe course gave me a much better understanding of the reality of the implementation of AI and how to distinguish its real challenges from the enormous amount of information surrounding it. It has equipped me with essential tools to continue working with and raise awareness about AI and its applications in the public sphere.

– Ms Bárbara del Castillo, Consul for Economic and Innovation Affairs at the Consulate General of Mexico in Boston, USA

Text - Vladimir Nikolov

Nl3ZJ3Kn Vladimir Nikolov Alumni ReviewsAn eye-opening and intellectually exciting course! DIPLO’s knowledgeable staff, with renowned AI policy experts, academics, practitioners and high-ranking diplomats, will guide you through a highly interactive 10-week journey that holistically reflects upon AI, its radical socioeconomic implications, and cutting-edge real-life applications. Thought-provoking texts and exchanges between participants alarm for AI’s potential to transform not only manufacturing, transport, or work, but even re-define basic human rights or what it means to be a human being in the AI era. An exceptionally insightful course! I recommend it as a MUST for professionals from all walks of life.

– Mr Vladimir Nikolov, Experienced insurance & compliance professional, Switzerland

Text - Isabelle Dochy

U3Ij3qss Isabelle Dochy alumni reviewsDiplo’s course on AI mapped the different challenges AI entails in fundamental rights, and the socioeconomic and geopolitical fields. The structured discussions among participants helped consider inclusive governance and policy solutions. This online course was a very interesting and useful experience.

– Ms Isabelle Dochy, Government Affairs and Public Policy Professional, Brussels, Belgium

Text - Daniel Bill Opio

Daniel Bill Opio alumni reviewsIt goes without saying that the lecturers are so exceptional and helpful. I enjoyed the modules on AI and human rights, as well as AI and cybersecurity. I have already begun applying the knowledge acquired in our #CybesecurityInAI tweet chat, held by the Cyber Law Initiative and Harvard’s Cyberlaw Clinic.

– Mr Daniel Bill Opio, Cyber Law Initiative, Uganda

Text - Liz Galvez

VIUL5H3q Liz Galvez alumni reviewsI can say I have learnt a huge amount, not just from the lecture texts and readings, but also from all the participants. As an introduction to AI, this course was excellent. I signed up for the course as it’s an area on which I knew almost nothing. I started working when we were still using manual typewriters, carbon paper, and telex machines, so the tech behind computers and AI is baffling to me.

– Mrs Liz Galvez, Former Senior Diplomat, British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK

Text - Lorenzo Vargas

nngTWv0b Lorenzo Vargas alumni reviews e1638881021786The course provided me with a good overview of artificial intelligence and internet governance issues. I especially enjoyed the fact that all issues were looked at from different, often contrasting, perspectives, including ethics, human rights, security, governance, and technology.

– Mr Lorenzo Vargas, Programme Manager, World Association for Christian Communication, Canada

Text - Gonçalo Duarte Raposo Carriço

Diplo alumnus Gonçalo Duarte Raposo CarriçoI came to realise that global discussions on the internet were too important not to be engaged in. I took this course to help me understand the global dimension of AI in all its discussion frameworks. In a very well-structured way, through easy and fluid readings, this course made me realise how much is at stake now, and potentially in the future, for a society that uses AI. The discussions with peers with thought-provoking moderation on both the readings and during the weekly class meetings are the cherry on top of the cake. They allowed me to look at AI from a different perspective and to see the issues and opportunities it brings from many different angles.

– Mr Gonçalo Duarte Raposo Carriço, Associate Director, EU Affairs, AT&T, Belgium

Text - Alexandra Borgeaud Dit Avocat

Diplo alumna Alexandra BorgeaudGiven the incredibly fast-paced AI developments and their critical impact on most areas of society and human life, I have thoroughly enjoyed this course and benefited greatly from the knowledge and experiences of my fellow participants. While I was already familiar with the impact of AI on human rights and international security, this course has allowed me to gain essential knowledge about the technical aspects, the various mechanisms and frameworks of AI governance, as well as our future prospects.

– Ms Alexandra Borgeaud Dit Avocat, Resident Coordinator’s Office, United Nations, Switzerland

Text - Oscar Ramírez

Diplo alumnus Oscar RamirezArtificial intelligence will impact international relations in the near future. This course provides an overview of its technical aspects, but it is most useful for diplomats and non-specialist policymakers as it provides important insights into the potential of AI to shape future geopolitics, economics, human rights, and global governance.

– Mr Oscar Ramírez, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Republic of Ecuador, Turkey

Text - Judy Okite

Diplo alumna Judy OkiteThe AI course was very informative, and the range of topics covered allows anyone to learn something because it is up to date with AI developments. I was most impressed by the examples of how persons with disabilities can benefit from AI. It was worth 10 weeks of my time!

– Ms Judy Okite, Founder, Association for Accessibility and Equality, Kenya

Text - Bruno Ané

Diplo alumnus Bruno AnéData and AI have become a critical source of power, largely ungoverned. This course provides both general knowledge on AI’s state of the art and its future implications for the foreign policy landscape. With clear content, it is perfectly balanced and addresses different fields on the international agenda: human rights, health, disarmament, trade, security, etc. A fundamental tool for any international professional.

– Mr Bruno Ané, Senior Policy Advisor – Permanent Mission of Argentina to the UN in Geneva

Text - Otto Saki

Diplo alumnus Otto SakiArtificial intelligence is a fascinating field. This course surfaces wide-ranging geopolitical, economic, and governance issues that every policymaker, diplomat, engineer, social justice advocate, and scholar must be aware of. It provides a solid foundation for understanding a complex subject matter, enabling one to separate rhetoric from reality.

– Mr Otto Saki, Global Program Officer, Civic Engagement and Government, Ford Foundation, Zimbabwe

Asia-Europe Public Diplomacy

Text - Takahiro Hara

eMYS5ngt Takahiro Hara alumni reviewsThe ASEF Public Diplomacy Training was very practical and provided multifaceted perspectives and deep insight into the actual work. Experienced lecturers, their guidance, and the high quality of course materials gave me a lot of knowledge and awareness. Interacting with diplomats from across the region was exciting and invaluable. I believe the knowledge and skills acquired from this experience will be a solid foundation for my professional career.

– Mr Takahiro Hara, Deputy Director, Cultural Affairs and Overseas Public Relations Division, Minister’s Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan

Text - Stacy Danika Alcantara-Garcia

Stacy Danika Alcantara Garcia alumni reviewsThe course has enabled me to revisit my country’s current public diplomacy challenges and to approach them in a different way. The innovative teaching style helped me strike a balance between learning from some of the most seasoned PD practitioners, while applying what I have learned in my work as a public diplomacy officer.

– Ms Stacy Danika Alcantara-Garcia, Third Secretary and Vice Consul, Public and Cultural Diplomacy, Embassy of the Philippines, United Kingdom

Text - Thomas Baumgartner

Thomas Baumgartner alumni reviewsThe ASEF Public Diplomacy online course is a great opportunity to learn about public diplomacy strategies and instruments in general, and their relevance for EuropeAsia relations in particular. Coming out of this course, I now have long ideas and to-do lists and I am looking forward to boosting my public diplomacy work with the many practical things I’ve learned.

– Mr Thomas Baumgartner, Counsellor – Head of Political, Economic & Cultural Affairs, Embassy of Switzerland, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Text - Bich Thao Bui

Bich Thao Bui - Diplo AlumnaThis course equipped me with the required knowledge and improved and fine-tuned my public diplomacy skills, which I continually apply in everyday situations of my work. The progressive structure, insightful lectures, supportive staff, and wonderful course mates make this a valuable course for me, both academically and personally, which helps me be more confident in furthering my career as a diplomat. I couldn’t have made a better choice and I highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to dive deeper into the field of public diplomacy.

– Ms Bich Thao Bui, Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vietnam

Text - Mads Mateusz Jaszczolt Fritzboeger

Diplo alumnus Mads Mateusz Jaszczolt FritzboegerThis course confirmed that effective diplomacy includes public engagement, digital presence, long-term networked relationships, and intercultural learning, all of which are essential constituents of the public diplomacy toolkit. By bringing together the latest research, competent practitioners, and qualified tutors, this inspiring and professional bi-regional dialogue proved to me again that public diplomacy is an inevitable component of effective contemporary diplomatic practice. This is something that is increasingly in demand when trying to address today’s challenges in multilateral governance. It is therefore with no hesitation that this rewarding experience has made me determined to devote my future efforts to the enhancement of multilateral cooperation through shared and mutual public diplomacy.

– Mr Mads Mateusz Jaszczolt Fritzboeger, Member, Danish Foreign Policy Society; Member, Royal Institute of International Affairs

Text - Sophany Outh

Sophany Outh - Diplo AlumnaThe online curse has improved my awareness and confidence in how to effectively conduct and attend online meetings and group discussions or assignments within different time zones and with participants located in Asian and European regions and beyond. The theories and practices of digital and public diplomacy will benefit my current position as a consular agent in Cambodian missions abroad.

– Ms Sophany Outh, Consular Agent, Consulate General of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Haikou City, Hainan Province, P.R. China

Text - Roel Markey

NwTkR6Qh Roel Markey alumni reviewsThe ASEF Public Diplomacy Training enabled me to engage with lecturers and participants from across Europe and Asia in a stimulating and multicultural environment. The multidisciplinary approach towards aspects of public diplomacy provided an enriching experience in acquiring new and useful insights into this subject.

– Mr Roel Markey, Desk Officer, Asia–Pacific Division, Federal Public Service for Foreign Affairs, Belgium

Text - Harriet Sexton Morel

Harriet Sexton Morel alumni reviewsThe course was very informative, incredibly relevant, and thought-provoking. The quality of the lecturers, their engagement, the presentation of materials, and the opportunity to interact with diplomats from across the region was invaluable. The knowledge and practical skills resulting from my participation in the course will be of immense benefit to my future career.

– Ms Harriet Sexton Morel, Second Secretary, Embassy of Ireland, Canberra, Australia

Text - Samnang Un

haYuoFYS Samnang Un alumni reviewsThis course gave me tremendous insight into public diplomacy and how to conduct a PD campaign in a receiving country. It is the most comprehensive and extensive online course I have ever joined. The course let me engage with high professional diplomats, professors, researchers, and other vigilant colleagues from both Asia and Europe. It is a very proactive way of building an intercontinental diplomatic network.

– Mr Samnang Un, ASEM Desk Official, Europe Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Cambodia

Text - Sabina Carli

s5WHf2QR Sabina Carli alumni reviewsI gained a broad set of knowledge, shared my experiences, and got new ideas from my peers from European and Asian diplomacies. My next task is to put them to use and I know I can rely on the support of the practically-oriented materials provided during the course.

– Ms Sabina Carli, Assistant to the Director-General for Economic and Public Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Slovenia

Text - Andrew Sant Fournier

Andrew Sant Fournier Alumni ReviewsThe ASEF Public Diplomacy Training provided insight into a facet of diplomacy which is an often neglected but incredibly vital part of latter-day diplomats. This training was an excellent opportunity to enhance my skills in this field and learn about crucial tools such as nation branding, crisis communication, and strategy planning. Furthermore, the course allowed participants to network with other diplomats from Asia and Europe, building crucial connections that will enhance my professional career.

– Mr Andrew Sant Fournier, Second Secretary/Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade, Republic of Malta

Video - Usaphea Horn

Usaphea Horn video review

– Mr Usaphea Horn, Deputy Chief, Cambodian National Protection Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Cambodia

Video - Asami Takahashi)

Asami Takahashi video review

– Ms Asami Takahashi, Attaché, Embassy of Japan, United Kingdom

Video - Ugo Boni

Diplo alumnus video Ugo Boni

– Mr Ugo Boni, Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Italy to Kingdom of Thailand

Video - Theventhiran Arumugam

Theventhiran Arumugam alumnus video review

– Mr Theventhiran Arumugam, Assistant Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia

Bilateral Diplomacy

Text - Romena Tamira L.V. Browne

Romena Tamira L.V. Browne alumni reviewsThe course helps to keep young diplomats, like myself, on the cutting edge of diplomacy by honing the skills necessary for effective diplomatic functions and processes. As head of the Bilateral Division, key discussions and lectures on bilateral negotiations and intercultural communication served to not only keep me au courant with proven practices, but also with the latest developments in the field. I am now better positioned to serve my country in its interaction with countries from all across the globe.

– Ms Romena Tamira L.V. Browne, Senior Foreign Service Officer, Bilateral Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Commerce, St Vincent and the Grenadines

Text - Adama Ndiaye

 Face, Frown, Head, Person, Sad, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Male, ManThe course, because of its quality and exhaustive content, contributes to the capacity building of all diplomats, especially those of the younger generation. Interactions with the lecturers – who are very proactive – as well as with classmates, give an insight into the diplomatic practices of many countries around the world. It was a great pleasure to take part in this course, and I would recommend it to anyone interested in interstate relations.

– Mr Adama Ndiaye, First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Senegal to AU and ECA, Ethiopia

Text - Lotte Kronholm Sjøberg

eXSRV0Sf Lotte Kronholm Sjoberg alumni reviewsSince I work in the private sector with no experience in diplomatic positions, the course provided a broad understanding of bilateral diplomacy. As a mediator and negotiator, the topics of bilateral negotiation and conflict management in a diplomatic perspective and across different cultures has been very valuable and an interesting ‘add-on’ to my present skills. I also highly recommend this course to non-diplomats who have an interest in diplomacy.

– Ms Lotte Kronholm Sjøberg, Union Chairman and Board Member, Gjensidige Forsikring, Denmark

Text - Kgomotso Motlotle

Kgomotso Motlotle alumni reviewsThe course taught me the specific genre and discourse of diplomacy which I had taken for granted over the years of service to home government, international governments, intergovernmental organisations, and non-governmental agencies. The diversity of the participants was an outstanding added value.

– Ms Kgomotso Motlotle, Executive Director, Owner and Founder, First Private Gaborone Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations, Botswana

Text - Myrna Huggins

BT78C7iB Myrna Huggins alumni reviewsAfter more than ten years in the multilateral side of the practice of diplomacy and international relations, this course was an invaluable complement to my experience. Though challenging and intense, Amb. Rana guided us in a manner that allowed us to exchange and discuss topics and generate ideas, as well as to apply what was learnt to our real-life situations. I was particularly drawn to the myriad theories and aspects of cultural diplomacy, and the role it plays in the successful practice of diplomacy and negotiations, which provided me with new skills that are useful to my work.

– Ms Myrna Huggins, Foreign Service Officer III, Head, Economic and Environment Unit, Multilateral Relations Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Communications, Trinidad and Tobago

Text - Peter Boxer

Peter Boxer alumni reviewsI found the course an excellent tool in broadening my knowledge and understanding of diplomatic practices around the world. With participants from a variety of countries and backgrounds, I found the sharing of experiences and best practices invaluable.

– Mr Peter Boxer, Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy, Rabat, Morocco

Text - Shae-Alicia Lewis

yVnSwiKK Shae Alicia Lewis alumni reviewsThe course modules cover core areas of knowledge and key skills that every diplomat working in the bilateral arena should master, such as economic diplomacy, negotiation skills, public diplomacy, and intercultural relations. The course discussions are relevant and thought-provoking, and also promote invaluable peer-to-peer learning.

– Ms Shae-Alicia Lewis, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Jamaica

Text - Sandy Williams

ifmiFxMN Sandy Williams alumni reviewsThe course was very comprehensive and gave participants a good foundation of diplomacy and international relations, how the two have changed over the years, and the new realities that the world now faces. The course structure is multifaceted. It promotes learning through lectures, research, group work, and discussion forums. This format forces students to delve into the course material and sharpens their analytical skills. I can affirm that my new knowledge will improve my work output. I highly recommend this course. It is suitable for a wide cross-section of professionals, including those who are new to diplomacy, as well as mid-level career personnel like myself who are looking to augment their knowledge base.

– Ms Sandy Williams, Foreign Service Officer III, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Guyana

Text - Guy Pollard

Guy Pollard alumni reviewsOnline learning with Diplo was a great experience. The innovative online sessions and the contact with other students really helped me gain a wide view on the topics discussed. Despite having practised bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, I found the course informative and focused, covering, for example, the benefits and drawbacks of both soft and hard power. This in particular proved useful in completing my understanding of how diplomacy can work at different levels.

– Mr Guy Pollard, Second Secretary, Conventional Weapons, UK Disarmament Delegation, Geneva, Switzerland

Video - Gloria Oloya Awor

Diplo alumna video Gloria Oloya Awor

 – Ms Gloria Oloya Awor, Consultant, Akijul – Enabling Change, Uganda

Capacity Development

Text - Harriet Kongin

Harriet Kongin alumni reviewsThe course enabled me to widen my understanding of different approaches to capacity development. I could review my organisation’s understanding of CD within the context of our beneficiaries and target groups. This understanding has enabled my team an me to reflect on areas of improvement, especially the need to carry out organisational capacity assessments at the beginning of a programme, as opposed to midway or towards the end.

– Ms Harriet Kongin, Adviser, Policy and Strategy, UNAIDS Kenya

Text - Bart Horemans

9iDAdsmj Bart Horemans alumni reviewsThe course helped me integrate a lot of knowledge I had gathered over the years into a more coherent framework, thanks to the design of the course which followed a strict logical and temporal pattern, coupled with reflections on one’s own work.

– Mr Bart Horemans, Project Coordinator, National Organisational Capacity Development Program, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Belgian Development Agency

Text - Lindonne Glasgow

I98qzXkv Lindonne Glasgow alumni reviewsThe most important thing I learned is that capacity development should provide an opportunity for people to engage. This is how the course itself was organised, and I learned a lot more through interaction than if I was only given reading material.

– Ms Lindonne Glasgow, Community Liaison Officer, Basic Needs Trust Fund, Caribbean Development Bank and Government of Grenada

Text - Diego Ruiz Gayol

Diego Ruiz Gayol alumni reviewsThe course taught me the theoretical aspects of the different stages of a capacity development initiative, such as assessing capacities at an early stage, assessing change readiness, and mapping a change process based on a theory of change. I knew the importance of these steps, but I hadn’t yet performed them in a coherent, sequential, and systematic way which allowed for adaptation to any given circumstance.

– Mr Diego Ruiz Gayol, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Mexico, Haiti

Text - Vanessa Stoz

Vanessa Stoz alumni reviewsThis course was the first e-learning experience that really convinced me! I’ve received the information I expected, and the exchanges and debates with the team and other course participants were really useful, meaningful, and instructive. I really appreciate the quality of the written material, as well as the references for additional documentation. I can now use all this information for direct inputs in my work and field missions.

– Ms Vanessa Stoz, Public Finance Management Expert, Lux-Development

Text - Phai Lim

Phai Lim alumni reviewsThis online course is a good combination of different methods: reading simple but good-quality material (with further references), chatroom sessions where you can reflect and share practical examples, and explanations of topics by experienced facilitators and moderators. I learned a lot during the course, starting from assessments of capacity needs to measuring the results of CD interventions. I will include some of the things I learned in my work, such as designing CD interventions (setting goals, objectives, and indictors), choosing a good fit of interventions, and measuring CD results.

– Mr Phai Lim, Program Development Specialist, VBNK, Cambodia

Text - Sonia Judith Hernandez Morales

DGBog7Zo Sonia Judith Hernandez Morales alumni reviewsThe course was a great incentive for my career. I was looking for a course with practical examples, concrete explanations, and interaction with people with different experience and backgrounds. I got this and more. From a practical point, the course pace fit my busy schedule perfectly. It offered extremely interesting reading material, a dedicated and professional group of mentors, as well as updated case studies in accordance with the challenges we find in real-life situations.

– Ms Sonia Judith Hernandez Morales, Country Representative for the Netherlands, Red Cross, Philippines

Text - Taiko Yusa

Diplo alumna Taiko YusaI learned a lot from the experiences, knowledge, advice, and useful references shared by other course participants throughout this course which encouraged me to conduct capacity development projects in my work.

– Ms Taiko Yusa, Programme Officer, Peru Country Office, UN World Food Programme, Peru

Text - Reena Atuma

Diplo alumna Reena AtumaThe course helped me grow not just professionally, but also in terms of my views on and approach towards capacity: how to approach change, types of capacities (soft and hard), how to design a change framework, etc. It offered an exciting opportunity to learn and interact with other learners online, and the course assignments were practical and relevant to the type of work I do.

– Ms Reena Atuma, Research Assistant, Institute of Public Finance, Kenya

Text - Aminuddin Bin Mat Ariff

Diplo alumnus Aminuddin Bin Mat AriffThis course helped me better understand the fundamentals of capacity development. It was an enriching, interactive environment where tutors and participants alike could exchange ideas and perspectives on CD. It has also allowed me to tap into the experience of others, enabling me to think of better ways to further evolve my organisation’s CD modality into a more effective and sustainable solution for the betterment of humanity.

– Mr Aminuddin Bin Mat Ariff, Asia Regional Coordinator, Reverse Linkage/Islamic Development Bank, Saudi Arabia

Text - Verena Flueck

Diplo alumna Verena FlueckAs an international consultant, I very much appreciated this course. It offered targeted state-of-the-art cooperation know-how, combined with well-moderated and thematically-oriented exchange opportunities between participants from all continents. I appreciated the one-on-one coaching, which accompanied the specific learning assignments directly related to my ongoing professional activities. I wholeheartedly recommend this course and look forward to staying in touch with this valuable network of cooperation practitioners.

– Ms Verena Flueck, Consultant and Specialist in Non-profit Management, Concept Future, Switzerland

Text - Rita Amoh Amanyabyoona

Diplo alumna Rita Amoh AmanyabyoonaAs a novice in capacity development, this course was exactly what I needed. It equipped me with the in-depth knowledge and understanding that I needed, and broadened my perspectives in a very short time. Initially, the content sounded too complex, but by the end of the course, I felt better equipped with practical skills in planning, designing, implementing, and assessing capacity development initiatives.

– Ms Rita Amoh Amanyabyoona, Learning & Development Officer, Eastern and Southern African Trade & Development Bank – Nairobi Regional Office, Kenya

Consular and Diaspora Diplomacy

Text - Charmaine L. Mckenzie

Ne4swjqc Charmaine L. Mckenzie alumni reviewsI not only met and networked with other foreign service officers from around the world, but was exposed to and learned in depth about consular practice, different experiences, and dexterity from all the course participants. I also learned about the importance and mutual benefits involved with the relationship between countries and their diasporas, and how technology and well-rounded consular officers can work hand-in-hand to provide renowned consular services to citizens and foreigners alike. I recommend this course to all foreign service officers to increase their capacity in various aspects of the foreign service.

– Ms Charmaine L. Mckenzie, Foreign Service Officer, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth of The Bahamas

Text - Drehounou Evelyne Gbeuly

Drehounou Evelyne Gbeuly alumni reviewsThis course has been a life changing experience for me. It has made me familiar with consular work and provided me with great understanding of diaspora diplomacy. Networking with great people at strategic positions in their respective countries was also a reward. As a business consultant, the course has opened doors to new potential markets.

– Ms Drehounou Evelyne Gbeuly, Rolycom Group AS, Norway


Text - Anastasiya Kazakova

Anastasiya Kazakova alumni reviewsWe face a multitude of issues in cyberspace, but Diplo has managed to cover all of them in a highly interactive, informative, and extremely helpful learning course on cyber diplomacy, cybersecurity, and related governance issues. If you work in this sphere, take the course – it will really help. You will learn all the necessary basics that are fundamental for all cybersecurity professionals.

– Ms Anastasiya Kazakova, Public Affairs Manager, Kaspersky, Russia

Text - Kasek Galgal

Kasek Galgal alumni reviewsA relevant and applicable look at cybersecurity that takes into account the different aspects of the subject matter. The intuitive e-learning environment allows for informative discussions and interactions between participants and instructors alike. Also, the global composition of both the participants and instructors allows one to gain useful insight into diverse experiences and views on cybersecurity.

– Mr Kasek Galgal, Tutor/Lecturer, Physics Division, University of Papua New Guinea

Text - Mohit Saraswat

hpfAK1XW Mohit Saraswat alumni reviewsHaving a technical security (network and information security) background, I was a little sceptical about the value this course could to offer. The course content and discussions came as a pleasant surprise, as they offered insights into cybersecurity not only from a technical perspective, but included the social, legal, and economic aspects of security. These facets are usually missing in other widely available cybersecurity courses, but are becoming increasingly important in solving the complex challenges that cybersecurity has set for humankind.

– Mr Mohit Saraswat, Founder, Internet Society Chapter, United Arab Emirates

Text - Rafael Alberto Patrignani

jFcV238A Rafael Alberto Patrignani alumni reviewsThe course was a very good opportunity to meet colleagues from different countries and learn about their different approaches and objectives in regard to cybersecurity. The integration of knowledge was successfully accomplished by the systematic learning methodology. The course helped me integrate my previous knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of this subject.

– Mr Rafael Alberto Patrignani, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Argentina

Text - Robert Nkambwe

U2gJqobk Robert Nkambwe alumni reviewsPrior to taking the course, I was oblivious to the global impact and the geostrategic challenges posed by cybersecurity dynamics. Thanks to this mind-blowing course, I feel more elevated and empowered in understanding the subject and its technical, legal, social, and geopolitical elements. I was also intrigued by the rich international experiences of the course lecturers and the uniqueness of the learning method where every participant is allowed to freely express his/her own opinion.

– Mr Robert Nkambwe, Director of Information and Communication Technology, Bugema University, Kampala, Uganda

Text - Juan D. Abarca Salas

itOmTDWm Juan D. Abarca Salas alumni reviewsThe course’s approach to cybersecurity issues, such as cybercrime, online violence and child protection, critical infrastructure, cyber warfare, and the study of cybersecurity policy frameworks, was presented by the lecturers in a wise, precise, and knowledgeable manner. In addition, guest experts and course participants provided productive and exciting interactions.

– Mr Juan D. Abarca Salas, IT Regional Officer, Consulate General of Mexico in Toronto, Canada

Text - Xiang Teo Zheng

Xiang Teo Zheng alumni reviewsThe course describes several ambiguities in the international interpretation of cyberspace regulation and cooperation, and highlights the need for greater understanding and collaboration (international and public–private partnership) for establishing the rule of law in cyberspace, norms of addressing common types of infringement (e.g. cybercrime), and progressive de-escalation of conflicts. The course has been a useful primer in understanding tensions at the international, national, organisation (business), and personal levels in the face of irresponsible (deliberate or unintentional) behaviour in cyberspace.

– Mr Xiang Teo Zheng, Head of Advisory (Consulting), Ensign InfoSecurity Private Limited, Saudi Arabia

Text - Christopher James Sampson

hzgHTvF9 Christopher James Sampson alumni reviewsThis course has been invaluable for my work in digital inclusion, and I feel much better informed around the aspects of cybersecurity which I will use to assist the communities that I am working with, particularly in the Pacific region.

– Mr Christopher James Sampson, Director, Future Earth Systems; Founder, Digital Society Foundation; Fellow, University of Technology Sydney; Deputy Chair, Regional Development Australia; Board Member, Eldercare Inc., Australia

Text - Ioniarimalala Rakotonirina

Diplo alumnus Ioniarimalala RakotonirinaHaving a technical and technological background, I found this course very informative, as it was an opportunity to understand cybersecurity at a higher level, including its state and diplomatic aspects. In addition to the content and the teaching methodology, exchanges between participants were really enriching.

– Mr Ioniarimalala Rakotonirina, IT Manager, Management Sciences for Health, USAID ACCESS Health Program, Madagascar

Cybersecurity Diplomacy

Text - Steven Sim Kok Leong

 Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Happy, Smile, Adult, Male, Man, Hashim Djojohadikusumo

The course was excellent and offered a springboard for CISOs and interested parties to pay it forward back to the community for a greater cause. The format was also refreshing and harnessed the collective wisdom of course instructors and students to cross-pollinate ideas and views to unravel potential blind spots, polish insights and create eureka moments. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is keen to make a difference in the global cybersecurity ecosystem.

– Mr Steven Sim Kok Leong, Chair, Executive Committee, OT-ISAC & CISO, Singapore

Text - Pauline Wamuyu Kimotho

Pauline Wamuyu Kimotho - Diplo AlumnaThe content, the people, and the methodology of the course are exceptional. The course considers participants’ diverse training and expertise and encourages sharing views, enriching the learning process by lecturers who are seasoned experts in various fields. The learning tool is easy to use and interactive. I highly recommend the course to anyone looking to learn about cybersecurity and diplomacy and have fun at it.

– Ms Pauline Wamuyu Kimotho, Corporation Secretary/ AG Director Legal; Information and Communications Technology Authority, Kenya

Text - Jessica Paola Orellana Curillo

Jessica Paola Orellana Curillo - Diplo AlumnaThe course has been a great forum for discussing relevant topics with people of different nationalities, roles, and experiences from around the world. In addition, it has been an excellent opportunity to strengthen my knowledge concerning the application of existing international law to cyberspace, norms of responsible state behaviour, confidence-building measures, and capacity development. Understanding the importance of negotiation on these issues in the multilateral arena will be helpful in my job.

– Ms Jessica Paola Orellana Curillo, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ecuador

Text - Bennette Thomas

2fH8mLMh Bennette Thomas alumni reviews e1638881342536This course was not only very enlightening and the best online programme that I have ever taken, but it has assisted me with some very useful knowledge and insights into the intricacies of cyberspace. I was particularly taken aback by the innovative ways that cyberspace has grown with new terminologies and acronyms such as ‘the acquis’, the GGE, the OEWG, lethal autonomous weapon systems, and the use of AI in cyberwarfare.

– Mr Bennette Thomas, Director, Telecommunications & Technology, Ministry of Economic Planning, Sustainable Development, Investment, Resilience, Telecommunications & Broadcasting, Dominica

Text - Jennita Appanah Appayya

Jennita Appanah Appayya - Diplo AlumnaCybersecurity diplomacy is a new area for me and the course acted as a foundation for helping me understand the topic. I liked the most its teaching methodology, which allowed participants to learn at their own pace and promoted a productive self-reflection. It was great to work with the course lecturers, ambassadors, and participants, as they all had unique contributions to make and I learned a lot from them.

– Ms Jennita Appanah Appayya, Information Security Specialist, CERT, Mauritius

Text - Julian Berry

4ycdcqsk Julian Berry alumni reviewsThe entire course was an eye-opener for me because I had knowledge about what cybersecurity was, but never in such depth.

– Mr Julian Berry, Cyber Security Analyst, Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Health, ICT, Entertainment, Entrepreneurship and Talent Development, St Kitts and Nevis

Text - Juliana Crema

Juliana Crema alumni reviewsI found the course’s format and structure to be very useful in covering many complicated topics in a clear and concise way. Thanks in part to the carefully selected materials and extremely knowledgeable expert discussions, the course helped me to not only consolidate my knowledge on topics such as international law and cyberspace, but it also encouraged me to take this knowledge and to apply it in more concrete ways. As a civil society professional, I highly recommend this course to others in the field who are interested in learning more about cybersecurity diplomacy.

– Ms Juliana Crema, Research Associate, CyberPeace Institute, Switzerland

Text - Phannarith Ou

Phannarith Ou alumni reviewsI cannot find the words to describe how useful this course was for a technologist like me who wants to enter the diplomatic world. The course is tailor-made, insightful, and a practical, up-to-date overview of the developments in cyber diplomacy. I really enjoyed the Process and Diplomacy modules which not only highlighted discussion outcomes, but the journey of a multilateral approach to cyber negotiations between states and related stakeholders. More importantly, the course made me feel more confident to take part in any cyber engagement within regional and international fora.

– Mr Phannarith Ou, Professor, Cyber Issues, Royal University of Law and Economics; Director, ICT Security, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (MPTC), Cambodia

Text - Moradeke Adelekan

Moradeke Adelekan - Diplo AlumnaThe discussion on the effects of a cyberattack on critical infrastructure was the highlight, particularly the disastrous impact of such an attack if it is not averted on time. I will utilise my newly acquired knowledge by sharing it with the relevant Nigerian cybersecurity stakeholders.

– Ms Moradeke Adelekan, Senior Counsellor, International Organisations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nigeria

Cybersecurity for SEE

Text - Valbona Zavalani

Valbona Zavalani alumni reviewsThis is an excellent course, enjoyable, informative, engaging, and very authoritative. It develops the knowledge and skills needed to master the core concepts of cybersecurity. The lectures and complementary reading material were extremely useful. The most valuable part of the course was learning from the contributions of other students.

– Ms Valbona Zavalani, Head, IT & Security Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Albania

Text - Aleksandra Ristić

Aleksandra Ristic alumni reviewsWhen I applied for this course I wasn’t familiar with cybersecurity or any aspect of it. After two months of reading various texts and comments in our online classroom, I started to understand the complexity and importance of this issue. I gained a whole new vocabulary and got the chance to promote and share this knowledge with my friends and colleagues.

– Ms Aleksandra Ristić, Junior Advisor, Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Service, Serbia

Text - Bledi Preza

vU5aBjCm Bledi Preza alumni reviewsThis course has helped me shape my critical thinking. Interactions with other participants and lecturers throughout the course have been very productive, and at the same time have broadened my knowledge in cyber developments and challenges for Southeastern Europe. The course structure is designed to keep you engaged in discussions and other activities by valuing them more than usual e-learning platforms.

– Mr Bledi Preza, Specialist for Information Security Policies (Cyber), CBRN & C4I, Albania

Data Governance in the Digital Economy

Text - Violeta Fonseca

Violeta Fonseca - Diplo AlumnaI am grateful to have participated in the course, as it undoubtedly covers a highly complex subject. It was presented and decoded in a clear and assertive manner, through a methodology that combined the traditional purposes of diplomacy with new technological trends. I invite all diplomats, particularly from developing countries, to immerse themselves in this experience, with the certainty that they will master important skills to better carry out their work, expand their networks, and grow as professionals.

– Ms Violeta Fonseca, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Geneva, Switzerland

Text - Talkmore Chidede

Talkmore ChidedeThe course exceeded my expectations in many regards, especially the depth of the information provided, the interaction with other students, and the inputs from the course coordinator and lecturers which enriched the learning environment. I learned the key principles of data governance in the digital economy that I can implement immediately in my work.

– Mr Talkmore Chidede, Digital Trade Expert, African Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat, Ghana

Text - Katrin Ohlmer

Katrin Ohlmer - Diplo AlumnaThe course provided me with a great introduction to data governance fundamentals. The lectures delivered by experienced scientists and practitioners and the readings were extremely useful, especially the background material and links. However, what I appreciated the most was the variety of views from other students.

– Ms Katrin Ohlmer, Co-Founder & CEO, Dotzon GmbH, Germany

Text - Million Hailemichale Tolessa

Million Hailemichale Tolessa - Diplo AlumnusThe course provided me with a comprehensive understanding of data governance by addressing technical, economic, legal, policy, and geopolitical issues. The course exceeded my expectations in many ways, particularly the depth of the study notes and the platform on which the course was delivered.

– Mr Million Hailemichale Tolessa, Digital Trade Expert, African Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat, Ethiopia

Text - Veronica Bogarin Closs

Veronica Borgarin Closs - Diplo AlumnaThe course has been brilliant in the way it presented the current challenges of regulating the digital domain and the possible implications on the economy, social behaviour, human rights, privacy, and development. As a trade delegate from a landlocked developing country, the course has contributed with relevant input on digital policies and data governance issues that will support my day-to-day work relating to e-commerce negotiations.

– Ms Veronica Bogarin Closs, First Secretary, Delegate Permanent Mission of Paraguay in Geneva, Delegate to the WTO, UNCTAD, and WIPO, Switzerland

Digital Commerce

Text - Ehsanullah Mamundzai

 Head, Person, Face, Photography, Portrait, Frown, Sad, Adult, Male, Man, Body Part, JawThis course offers invaluable insights and comprehensive knowledge crucial for understanding the complex interplay between emerging technologies and global trade. Especially valuable for participants from LDCs, this course acts as a strategic empowerment tool, enhancing their ability to actively engage with and benefit from the digital economy. From my perspective as a development sector practitioner, the course was extraordinarily beneficial, offering key critical frameworks and insights for effectively engaging with and steering the digital economy towards sustainable development.

– Mr Ehsanullah Mamundzai, CEO, Organization for Development Innovations & Research (ODIR), Afghanistan

Text - Vida Opoku Boakye

 Head, Person, Body Part, Face, Neck, Photography, PortraitThe course’s focus on promoting trust and openness in digital commerce offered invaluable insights for refining strategies, ensuring regulatory compliance, and cultivating a secure environment for digital trade activities. This learning experience has significantly enhanced my capabilities and will undoubtedly contribute to more informed and effective decision-making in matters related to digital trade.

– Ms Vida Opoku Boakye, Planning and Research Manager, National Information Technology Agency (NITA), Ghana

Text - Edouard Bizumuremyi

ItHaFuzG Edouard Bizumuremyi alumni reviewsThe course is extremely useful for negotiators involved in e-commerce discussions at the WTO, as well as for policymakers and advisors. At the end of the course, one clearly understands that e-commerce rules should not be seen through the lens of shopping electronically, but rather as a trade arm of the emerging digital economy which is underpinned by new technologies such as cloud computing, big data, the internet of things, artificial intelligence, robotics, and 3-D printing.

– Mr Edouard Bizumuremyi, Commercial Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Rwanda, Geneva, Switzerland

Text - Aray Kassabekova

Aray Kassabekova alumni reviewsThe course is an excellent opportunity for Geneva-based diplomats to learn about e-commerce from scratch. For me as a diplomat covering e-commerce issues at the WTO, the course came just in time since more active steps are being launched within the WTO plurilateral format. The knowledge obtained during the course helped me fill the basic knowledge gap and be able to communicate on the same track with other more advanced colleagues.

– Ms Aray Kassabekova, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan to UNOG and other international organisations, Geneva, Switzerland

Text - Rashaun Watson

VFa3gI8B Rashaun Watson alumni reviewsThe course addressed a wide gamut of issues including data localisation, net neutrality, and cybersecurity, all topics which are of great importance as the world evolves into the fast-paced and technology-driven Fourth Industrial Revolution. The lecturers were very knowledgeable, and the rich exchanges among participants from diverse technical and professional backgrounds made this course a wonderful learning experience.

– Mr Rashaun Watson, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Jamaica to the UN and other international organisations, Geneva, Switzerland

Text - Nandini Chami

CdrNALlq Nandini Chami alumni reviewsThe course provided a very helpful overview of the history, and state of play of digital commerce debates. I found the course reading material and the peer learning methodologies that were used extremely enriching. What I found most interesting and helpful were the modules on the WTO, the introductory module on the different business models in the age of the internet, and the discussion threads on data governance frameworks.

– Ms Nandini Chami, Senior Research Associate, IT for Change (in special consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)), India

Text - Waqas Hassan

Waqas Hassan alumni reviewsThe course has been an excellent source of information and up-to-date knowledge on the various paradigms of digital commerce. For developing countries like Pakistan, such capacity building opportunities are mandatory to stay updated with the latest developments and innovations in the digital world.

– Mr Waqas Hassan, Assistant Director (International Liaison & Training), Pakistan Telecommunication Authority

Text - Veronica Bogarín Closs

Veronica Bogarin Closs alumni reviewsThe course provided an interdisciplinary approach relevant to the current plurilateral negotiations taking place at the WTO on trade-related issues relating to e-commerce, and the tools to better understand the processes taking place in Geneva on digital economy issues. The course has given me the opportunity to share Paraguay’s national experience and learn from other countries that are harnessing the power of the digital revolution for their development.

– Ms Veronica Bogarín Closs, First Secretary, Delegate from Paraguay to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Permanent Mission of Paraguay to the WTO, Geneva, Switzerland

Video - Geneva graduates

Diplo alumni video Digital Commerce course

Geneva-based graduates of the Digital Commerce online course

Digital Policy and Diplomacy (just-in-time course)

Text - Melissa Hathaway

Melissa Hathaway lecturer alumni reviewsA unique online and in-person learning environment for diplomats, the course unpacks complex topics like cybersecurity, digital human rights, digital development into one-week segments, led by leading practitioners in their respective field of expertise. This course is a great introduction to the digital policy fundamentals of what every country leader must know to be effective in their job.

– Ms Melissa Hathaway, President, Hathaway Global Strategies, USA

Text - Angel Draev

Angel Draev alumni reviewsThe course offers a thorough overview of the main framework of this extremely important and yet new field in international governance. The content is likewise appropriate and a must for both beginners and advanced practitioners in the field.

– Mr Angel Draev, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Bulgaria to the UN, Geneva, Switzerland

Text - Ursula Wynhoven

Ursula Wynhoven alumni reviewsThe instructors are top in their field from a variety of key organisations in this area. The weekly readings were both of high quality and manageable in quantity. The course was very well organised with a new theme each week, all part of a coherent whole that was presented in the introductory readings. I also really appreciated the networking opportunity with both students and lecturers.

– Ms Ursula Wynhoven, International Telecommunication Union Representative to the UN, New York, USA

Diplomacy of Small States

Text - Safraaz Ahmad Shadood

m0aOfq4Q Safraaz Ahmad Shadoodaa alumni reviewsThe course content inspired the strategic thinking required to maximise opportunities for small states when pursuing diplomatic relations across countries and organisations. Coming from a small developing country, this course has provided me with the necessary tools to aid me in my duties.

– Mr Safraaz Ahmad Shadood, Foreign Trade Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Guyana

Text - Setaita Tupua Kalou

VvUXl1Ny Setaita Tupua Kalou alumni reviews e1638880967654The course was an eye-opener for me, especially as a government official from a small island state (Fiji). Online lectures, sharing information with other students and lecturers, and provided resources all focused on the areas I am interested in. We also drew parallels with world events, not only from the past, but with those happening currently on the ground. As a diplomat, the course has broadened my knowledge on how small states should be strategically leveraging themselves as important actors in international diplomacy, and that size does not necessarily determine outreach and influence of a state in 21st century diplomacy.

– Ms Setaita Tupua Kalou, Second Secretary, Embassy of Fiji, Brussels, Belgium

Text - Momodu Wurie

ls7rwvNS Momodu Wurie alumni reviewsComing from a small state with limited resources, I can say that the training of diplomats is a difficult task for us. Diplo has provided me with a golden opportunity to further my education for which I have been yearning for as a foreign service officer. I also had the chance to interact with colleagues from around the world. The course has also strengthened my belief that regardless of constraints, some small states have shown their ability to project formidable foreign policy initiatives. The course has additionally broadened my horizons thanks to weekly assignments by colleagues and through analysing the different perspectives on how small states practice their diplomacy. I wish to encourage more diplomats from emerging economies to take this course and strengthen their diplomatic skills.

– Mr Momodu Wurie, Head of Chancery, Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Tripoli, Libya

Text - Nicholette Williams

Nicholette Williams alumni reviewsAs a diplomat of a small state, operating in a dynamic and rapidly changing international environment, I must sharpen my skills and be equipped with the right tools in order to be successful. I particularly enjoyed the rich, constructive exchange of views and ideas among the participants. The opportunity to undertake a case study on one small state was truly enlightening. The bonus was the flexibility of studying at my own convenience, from the comfort of my home or office, and receiving a certificate without leaving my country.

– Ms Nicholette Williams, Assistant Director/Foreign Service Officer IV, International Organisations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Jamaica

Diplomatic Law: Privileges and Immunities

Text - Simone Francois-Whittier

hjIujU6e Simone Francois Whittier alumni reviews e1638880951719I would recommend this course to anyone looking for a deeper understanding of privileges and immunities. It’s not just a course for practitioners, but one which could benefit anyone – government employees, police officers, lawyers, employees of international organisations, and even students. The lecturer was extremely knowledgeable and the administrator was extremely helpful and attentive. I had the opportunity to interact with other practitioners in the field from around the world, and even persons not working in the field of diplomacy. It was a tremendous experience that I benefited from greatly.

– Ms Simone Francois-Whittier, Foreign Service Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trinidad and Tobago

Text - Luis Alberto Celis Mejia

2hjIFktd Luis Alberto Celis Mejia alumni reviewsThe course provided a practical approach to the most relevant matters of immunities and privileges as part of diplomatic law. It is a useful tool to ensure the applicability of regulations from a functional approach. I recommend it to everyone involved in diplomatic, public, and international legal activities.

– Mr Luis Alberto Celis Mejia, Legal, Economic and Public Affairs, Consulate of Mexico, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA

Text - Rayna Vardeva

tGjuhbEH Rayna Vardeva alumni reviewsNot only did I gain theoretical knowledge on the subject, but my practical skills regarding the implementation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961) have tremendously expanded. I would highly recommend this course to every professional who wishes to gain insight into the subject, and benefit from the course’s interactive approach, the quality of provided materials, and the excellent skills of the lecturers.

– Ms Rayna Vardeva, External Relations Division, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

Text - Charles Lidon

yKhpDKyE Lidon Charles alumni reviewsI was particularly impressed by the lecture texts. They are thought-provoking, insightful, and of the highest quality. My knowledge and ability to apply diplomatic law has improved immeasurably.

– Mr Charles Lidon, Legal Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Guyana

Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette

Text - Mariangela Lundgren-Resenterra

Mariangela Lundgren Resenterra alumni reviewsIn this course, not only did I acquire a lot of useful and practical information about protocol and etiquette, but it equally helped me broaden my understanding of the various topics discussed. The fact that the class was heterogenous and that course participants were from different backgrounds, made the online class meetings very stimulating and resourceful.

– Ms Mariangela Lundgren-Resenterra, Deputy Secretary General in Charge of Diplomatic and Military Affairs, Department of Security, State of Geneva, Switzerland

Text - Radka Angelova

b0TXFZYE Radka Angelova alumni reviewsThe course provides a lot of practical examples, case studies, and real-time discussions among the participants and lecturer. The lecture texts and the assignments are well balanced and encourage analytical and critical thinking.

– Ms Radka Angelova, Administrative Assistant, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, The Netherlands

Diplomatic Theory and Practice

Text - Diego Brasioli

Diplo alumnus Diego BrasioliThe course contents were very interesting, combining in a successful way the theoretical aspects of diplomacy with concrete examples drawn from the history and practice of international relations. The list of suggested readings is comprehensive if you need to deepen your knowledge of the subject, but what makes the course very successful is the interactive fashion in which it is carried out, with effective and prompt guidance from the teachers and instructors. The learning platform is quite intuitive and practical to use, enhancing the possibility of real dialogue among all the participants. I believe that this course is very useful not only to those interested in joining a diplomatic career but also for professionals in the field, giving them the opportunity to fine-tune their experience and knowledge of the subject.

– Amb. Diego Brasioli, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy

Text - Badriyya Yusuf

Badriyya Yusuf alumni reviewsThis course provided me with an avenue to share knowledge on diplomacy and analysis on current international relations events. I realised that I really missed the interactive and stimulating discussions of my class when new developments in the planned US–North Korea summit arose, and I was eager to share my thoughts. As a lecturer of diplomacy, the course is significantly helping me in my quest of shaping the future generation of Nigerian diplomats.

– Ms Badriyya Yusuf, Assistant Lecturer, Department of History and International Studies, Yusuf Maitama Sule University, Kano, Nigeria

Text - Diego García Doval

Diego Garcia Doval alumni reviewsThe course is an insightful and critical introduction to the main past and present aspects of diplomacy. The continuous interaction with participants from all over the world and the devoted lecturers and Diplo staff, make you forget it’s an online course. I definitely recommend it to newcomers to diplomacy like me.

– Mr Diego García Doval, Secretary General, Carral Town Council, Spain

Text - Alejandro Lozano

Alejandro Lozano alumni reviews

The course has been a wonderful surprise. The main lecture was enormously useful for my academic and personal knowledge about diplomacy. What I liked the most was that I got the great opportunity to learn from all my course mates’ own ‘diplomatic’ experiences. I am truly thankful to the course coordinators for their patience during the course. A really challenging course and worth every single day!

– Mr Alejandro Lozano, Commissioner of Political and Cultural Affairs, Embassy of Mexico, Vatican City (Holy See)

Text - Kathleen Nina Tupou

Kathleen Nina Tupou alumni reviewsThis course is truly a MUST for any newcomer or professional diplomat who is in need of polishing or refreshing their knowledge about the basics of diplomacy in the modern world. It was very beneficial because it gave me the opportunity to apply theory to practice by exploring how the different aspects of diplomacy are practiced on a daily basis, and learning to recognise those theories at first glance. It is indeed one of the most insightful, dynamic, and interactive courses I have ever taken, a real eye-opener.

– Ms Kathleen Nina Tupou, Assistant Secretary, Palace Office, Tonga


Text - Laura Temesi

Laura Temesi - Diplo AlumnaThis course has given me the confidence to engage better in my current role which  focuses on cyber advocacy and thought leadership. I am even more excited and keen to delve further into cyber and diplomacy now that I am better informed about the current environment in which diplomacy is conducted and how the internet has impacted this environment. The delivery of the content was well executed and it was refreshing to see the depth and experience brought to the conversations by the lecturers and other course participants.

– Ms Laura Temesi, Head, Cyber Partnerships and Communication, Standard Chartered Bank – Group, Kenya

Text - Martin Micallef

Martin Micallef alumni reviews e1638880997241The course breaks new ground in addressing the foremost challenges facing international relations in the digital era. It provides an overarching insight into the organisation of communication functions of 21st century diplomacy through a focused and practice-oriented online tuition programme, enriched through the wealth of personal knowledge and experiences of participating professionals with diverse multicultural background.

– Mr Martin Micallef, Public Affairs & Communications, Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean

Text - Lieselot Declercq

 Face, Happy, Head, Person, Smile, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Female, Woman, Body Part, NeckThe course has been an enriching experience, equipping me with the necessary tools to thrive in the rapidly evolving digital age of diplomacy, and it has already proven to be an invaluable asset to my professional development. The hands-on modules on AI applications in diplomacy opened up new possibilities for enhancing diplomatic processes and decision-making. Learning about AI-driven data analysis and its role in shaping foreign policy allowed me to implement data-driven strategies.

– Ms Lieselot Declercq, Founding Director, D-teach Online Learning; PhD Student, Ghent University, Belgium

Text - Marcelo D’Agostino

Marcelo DAgostino alumni reviewsI believe that we have a social responsibility to share what we know for achieving better public health. The course not only helped me gain new knowledge and expand my personal networks, but also to reflect on how important ICTs are for diplomacy, in particular global health diplomacy.

– Mr Marcelo D’Agostino, Senior Advisor, Knowledge Management Health Information and Analysis Department of Communicable Diseases, Health Analysis, PAHO

Text - Beatriz Castro Sierra

LRCu0kQP Beatriz Castro Sierra alumni reviewsThe course was a great opportunity to explore different social media tools in a safe environment. It allowed me to actively interact with people from around the world which provided a rich and diverse insight into their work as diplomats from other countries and organisations. It was very dynamic, interactive, and fun!

– Ms Beatriz Castro Sierra, Border Specialist, Embassy of Mexico, Washington, DC, USA

Text - Frederick W. Russell-Rivoallan

dO3MshPS Frederick Russ Russell Rivoallan alumni reviewsThe course’s workload fit well into my busy schedule and I was able to almost immediately put to use the new skills and knowledge I acquired. Weekly lectures are extremely informative and present a wealth of current knowledge about e-diplomacy. The corresponding weekly assignments allow students to demonstrate their understanding of the acquired information, and we were strongly encouraged to apply that knowledge as it relates to our own work experiences. What’s great about this programme is that you can study at your own pace, but also have a weekly check-in with other students that come from all over the world.

– Mr Frederick W. Russell-Rivoallan, Special Assistant to the Chairperson of the Executive Board, UNESCO

Text - Susan Brown-Shafii

 Accessories, Glasses, Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Male, Man, Happy, SmileI’ve been involved in developing and delivering policy-related learning and capacity building for several years. This time, I was a student. What an engaging experience! I learned a lot from my fellow students. The course interdisciplinary (gender-balanced and age-diverse!) team have created an innovative educational programme that provides students with the skills needed to participate in global political processes. Kudos!

– Ms Susan Brown-Shafii, Independent Trade Advisor, former Scientific Coordinator, Swiss National Centre for Research on Trade Regulation, Switzerland

Text - Ingrid Berlanga

3qWyUxD0 Ingrid Ahora alumni reviewsThe most useful aspect of the course was understanding the importance of e-tools in the work of diplomats and government agencies. If diplomatic actors understood the benefits social media and e-tools can bring to their everyday work, life would be much easier. The feedback from both the course organisers and participants was very enriching. The analysis of a social media strategy with a practical purpose made the course more useful.

– Ms Ingrid Berlanga, Third Secretary, Political, Commercial and Cultural Attachè, Embassy of Mexico, Kenya

Economic Diplomacy

Text - Philip Bob Jusu

uvnTPCQz Philip Bob Jusu alumni reviewsWhat I liked about the course was how knowledgeable and proactive the training team was. The lecturers used a structured approach to deliver the course, providing lots of useful handouts and documentation. They also followed up on every post and responded in real time to questions and comments, thereby encouraging everyone to think outside the box and reflect on how to develop their economic diplomacy skills further.

– Mr Philip Bob Jusu, Socio-Economic Officer, African Union Permanent Mission to the EU, Belgium

Text - María José Torillo Medrano

María José Torillo Medrano - Diplo AlumnaThe course provides helpful information and insights enriched by discussions with experienced lecturers and peers from different nationalities and backgrounds. It encourages interesting exchanges of ideas, sources, practical examples, and good practices, which is valuable for diplomats and other international professionals.

– Ms María José Torillo Medrano, Consul for Cultural Affairs and Citizens’ Services, Consulate General of Mexico, Shanghai, P.R. China

Text - Harriet Sexton Morel

Diplo alumna Harriet Sexton Morel I found the course incredibly useful. The lecturers were knowledgeable, informed, and willing to share their learning and experience. The interactive nature of the course and the opportunity to engage with other participants from across the globe was very beneficial. The course is particularly useful for those diplomats responsible for economic affairs and a ‘must to do’ before going on a posting.

– Ms Harriet Sexton Morel, Deputy Director for Oceania, Pacific and Strategy, Asia Pacific Unit, Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland

Text - Marcela Mancera

Marcela Celorio Mancera alumni reviewsThe course equipped me with the skills needed to represent my country’s demands abroad. The subject of ‘economic sanctions’ captured my special interest and allowed me to understand the importance of cultivating strong economic alliances with business and nonprofit organisations and how this interacts with the promotion of economic interests and investments. I highly recommend the course as an innovative professional resource adaptable to any career background.

– Ms Marcela Mancera, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico

Text - Bamituni Etomi Abamu

Bamituni Etomi Abamu alumni reviewsThe course lecturers have experience in this field and took a practical approach to economic diplomacy. What I did not expect was to learn from my fellow classmates. They shared their knowledge and valuable experiences, especially how investment and trade promotion work in their countries. This was a feature that really stood out.

– Mr Bamituni Etomi Abamu, Doctoral Researcher in Economics and Finance, University of Gdansk, Faculty of Economics, Poland

Text - Lilia Paola Ureña Martínez

u4RYTHrV Lilia Paola Urena Martinez alumni reviewsI found this course very useful because it provides you with the fundamental tools for advancing your knowledge on everyday promotional tasks. I learned many things and gained fruitful insights through thought-provoking exchanges with other professionals from around the globe and the highly experienced lecturers. Don’t forget to read the resources given by Diplo, they are an absolute delight!

– Ms Lilia Paola Ureña Martínez, Consul of Economic Affairs, Consulate General of Mexico, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Text - Beverley McDonald

 Accessories, Earring, Jewelry, Body Part, Face, Head, Neck, Person, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Female, Woman, Thoko DidizaThe course enhances my knowledge of economics and trade while improving my professional skills. It offers valuable insights into understanding how economic diplomacy connects closely with politics, the public and other work via trade offices, embassies, consulates, and specially appointed trade envoys.

– Ms Beverley McDonald, Senior Foreign Service Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Republic of Guyana

Text - Naheeda Fokeerbux

hkBUsJJa Naheeda Fokeerbux alumni reviewsThis course was extremely informative and delivered in a way that was engaging, clear, and concise. I received numerous valuable inputs through class discussions. Also, the course materials are detailed, well-structured, and most importantly, updated to current situations.

– Ms Naheeda Fokeerbux, Management Support Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration & International Trade, Mauritius

Text - Laura Elena Montes de Oca Briseño

Dz7UkTnb Laura Elena Montes de Oca Briseno alumni reviewsThe course is well organised and comprehensive, and teaches you the practical and theoretical terms of economic diplomacy. It helped me grasp the key toolsets and skills and how to implement them, and to be an avid promoter of economic diplomacy at a professional level.

– Ms Laura Elena Montes de Oca Briseño, Advisor to the Undersecretary for North America, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico

Text - Alfonso Sesma Julián

Alfonso Sesma Julián - Diplo AlumnusThe course gave me new tools for my professional performance. I highlight the course’s practical approach and enriched content thanks to the exchange of experiences between participants, as well as the expertise and commitment of the teaching staff.

– Mr Alfonso Sesma Julián, Investment and Tourism Promotion, Embassy of Mexico, China

Text - Berenice Díaz Ceballos

wnEHe0N9 Berenice Diaz Ceballos alumni reviewsIt was an awesome, eye-opening, interesting, and very formative experience that helped to broaden my perspective on the complex scenario of economic diplomacy in our increasingly changing world. It gives you an accurate and updated view, as well as the tools you need to face the many challenges of economic diplomacy in the 21st century.

– Ms Berenice Díaz Ceballos, Head, Consulate of Mexico, Oxnard, California, USA

Humanitarian Diplomacy

Text - Mary Zaki

Diplo alumna Mary ZakiThe course is an eye-opener for diplomacy, advocacy, and policy engagement within the humanitarian sector on the global level. The content was comprehensive and well designed, and the instructors were very knowledgeable and passionate about the subject. Their feedback on our classwork widened our perspectives.

– Ms Mary Zaki, Humanitarian Diplomacy Fellow, American Red Cross National Headquarters, Washington, DC, USA

Text - Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed

Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed - Diplo AlumnusThanks to this course, I have gained valuable knowledge and professional skills that have transformed the way I approach humanitarian diplomacy. I am now better equipped to negotiate and persuade decision makers on behalf of vulnerable communities and beneficiaries, representing the Somali Red Crescent Society with confidence and expertise.

– Mr Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed, Deputy Executive Director, Integrated Health Care (IHC), Somali Red Crescent Society

Text - Ivy Chifundo Chihana

qoyj8JKx Ivy Chifundo Chihana alumni reviewsThe course gave me immersive, critical, and dynamic skills best suited to my profession whilst still working for my organisation. I have gained incredible confidence and exposure. I had the best experience with lectures and students from various parts of the world with different backgrounds. It was very easy to learn as I found everything I need in one place.

– Ms Ivy Chifundo Chihana, Senior Legal Advisor, Office of the Commissioner for Refugees; Supervisor, Refugees Status Determination Unit, Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security, Malawi

Text - Margarita Griffith

Margarita Griffith alumni reviewsBoth professionally and personally, I now have a broader understanding of the humanitarian world, its fundamental laws and principles, and the different actors who are part of it. This has expanded my thinking about possible partnerships and alliances in order to strengthen my work in the Federation, and the different aspects and steps I need to consider in order to make such partnerships happen.

Note: Read an interview with Margarita on Diplo’s blog.

– Ms Margarita Griffith, Learning Officer, America Zone Office, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Panama

Text - Fadi Jadallah

KzCyjqd0 Fadi Jadallah alumni reviewsThis course offers skills development in advocacy, negotiation, communication, formal agreements, and other measures through sharing experiences with students from around the world and with distinguished professors. It was a wonderful course. I have gained a lot of experience which I now use it in my field.

– Mr Fadi Jadallah, Syrian Arab Red Crescent /DRC Projects Coordinator, Damascus, Syria

Text - Barbara Busch

Barbara Busch alumni reviews e1638881075100What was most valuable and had a direct impact on my work was the frequent and direct exchange with several very experienced humanitarian diplomacy practitioners – both through the weekly online discussion sessions and through an individually assigned tutor during the research phase. I really got a lot of valuable input and advice out of that. Most of all, learning was interesting and enjoyable because of all that interaction.

– Ms Barbara Busch, Advocacy Advisor International Cooperation, Austrian Red Cross

Text - Ali Firushan

Ali Firushaan alumni reviewsAs a non-Red-Cross participant, this course helped me understand the humanitarian world. I acquired technical skills for practicing humanitarian diplomacy theories and principles in different situations. I found the course very beneficial because it helped me develop research and other skills and knowledge required in the workplace. The course also opened doors for networking with experienced humanitarian diplomacy practitioners representing the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and NGOs.

– Mr Ali Firushan, Desk Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Maldives

Text - Gladys C. Fernandez

 Face, Happy, Head, Person, Smile, Photography, Portrait, DimplesCompleting the Humanitarian Diplomacy course was an incredibly enriching experience for me. The course’s lecturers fostered analytical thinking and led stimulating discussions on urgent humanitarian diplomacy actions worldwide. I strengthened my diplomatic skills and gained valuable tools that are instrumental in my professional growth, while the well-designed online classroom format made learning a joy.

– Ms Gladys C. Fernandez, Program Manager, Global Partnerships, American Red Cross, USA

Text - Akissi Ghislaine-Aurelie Kouame

Akissi Ghislaine Aurelie Kouame alumni reviewsQuelle expérience merveilleuse que le cours de diplomatie humanitaire. L’agencement des différentes sessions et programmes nous permet une compréhension totale des différentes étapes telles que la négociation, la médiation, et la collaboration avec les populations en situation de détresse. Pour une personne voulant intégrer le système des N.U, ce cours est un tremplin pour une bonne maîtrise de l’action humanitaire. On y apprend toute une panoplie de thèmes des principes humanitaires, du protocole de la Fédération Internationale de la Croix Rouge en passant par les acteurs humanitaires. J’y ai acquis des connaissances en diplomatie humanitaire et en négociation sans oublier mes nouveaux amis dans le monde entier. Le cours est certes en anglais mais avec un niveau de langue accessible à tous.

– Ms Akissi Ghislaine-Aurelie Kouame, Chargee de Zone Projet Resocialisation des Mineurs en Difficulte avec la Loi Man Cote d’Ivoire, Chef Projet Désarmement Communautaire Zone Ouest Cote d’Ivoire

Text - Richard Slade

KLqmXDHo Richard Slade alumni reviewsThe most valuable part of the course was learning from the contributions of other students. The classroom was filled with people from all over the world with tangible experience in responding to disasters, armed conflict, health issues, and development and emergency situations. Their experiences highlighted where humanitarian diplomacy and advocacy works in reality, and where the theory needs to be reworked or reconceptualised to fit the real world.

Note: Read an interview with Richard on Diplo’s blog.

– Mr Richard Slade, Assistant/Project Officer, International Humanitarian Law and Movement Relations, Australian Red Cross

Text - Dana Truhlarova Cristescu

Dana Truhlarova Cristescu alumni reviewsIt was great to work together with the course lecturers and participants as they all had unique contributions to make, and I learned from all of them. The course material is rich and can benefit people with varied levels of professional experience and backgrounds. I am already putting what I learned to good use and hope I will have more opportunities to use it in the coming years.

– Ms Dana Truhlarova Cristescu, Senior Cash and Markets Advisor, UNICEF/CashCap

Video - Dolf van Muijen


 – Mr Dolf van Muijen, Asylum and Migration Advisor, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Netherlands

Video - Violeta Lombarts

Diplo alumna video Violeta Lombarts

 – Ms Violeta Lombarts, Head of Country Office, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Ukraine

Video - Lydia Mukaye


 – Ms Lydia Mukaye, World Vision East Africa Regional Office, Kenya

Video - Georgios Frantzis


 – Mr Georgios Frantzis, Refugee Response Field Coordinator, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Cyprus

Internet Technology and Policy

Text - April Rose H. Clemeno

 Accessories, Glasses, Face, Happy, Head, Person, Smile, Photography, Portrait, Clothing, Hoodie, Knitwear, Sweater, SweatshirtThe course was an enriching experience, providing valuable insights and comprehensive discussions into the complex relationship between technology and governance. The discussions on policy frameworks, emerging challenges, and collaborative solutions were highly relevant, and I gained a lot of knowledge that will greatly enhance my work in digital governance.

– Ms April Rose H. Clemeno, Information Technology Officer, Department of Information and Communications Technology, Government of Philippines

Text - Esau Lepa – I – Matangi Tupou,

 Body Part, Face, Head, Neck, Person, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Male, ManThe course offers valuable insights into understanding the governance, structure and security concerns of the internet, such as cybersecurity, AI, IoT, quantum computing and other topics related to both technology and policy issues.

– Mr Esau Lepa – I – Matangi Tupou, Director, CERT Tonga Department, MEIDECC, Tonga

Text - YingChu Chen

YingChu Chen alumni reviewsIn this course, I learned a lot about internet infrastructure, emerging technology, various internet governance issues, especially DNS, IPv4/IPv6 deployment, and cybersecurity. From the course participants who all came from different countries and backgrounds, I learned how economic development affects internet policy in their countries which reaffirmed my view on why we must have the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), and that a multistakeholder approach to the internet is different from the multilateral mechanisms.

– Ms YingChu Chen, International Affairs Committee, Taiwan Network Information Center, Taiwan

Text - Andrew Peter Mwaura Wambari

Andrew Peter Mwaura Wambari alumni reviewsLearning about the individual’s rights regarding access to data and information, the  governments’ limits in regulating the use of the internet and access to necessary data, the global perceptions on what governance entails, the policy frameworks on new laws to govern different aspects of the internet, and digitalisation governance have all immensely helped me in my research towards aiding Africa to achieve set standards regarding information, data, and cybersecurity management, digital economy regulations, and the democratisation of technology.

– Mr Andrew Peter Mwaura Wambari, Researcher/Consultant, Finland

Text - Virdžinija Saveska

Virdzinija Saveska alumni reviews e1638880896838This course has helped me understand the main technical and policy aspects of the internet which enabled me to continue my education in the digital sphere at the graduate programme in which I am enrolled. The comprehensive course materials provided by Diplo ensured that my perspective on these issues is current and multifaceted.

– Ms Virdžinija Saveska, Master student of International Security at Sciences Po – Paris School of International Affairs, France

Video - Kristijan Popovski

 Head, Person, Face, Photo Frame, Adult, Male, Man, Photography, Portrait, Body Part, Neck

 – Mr Kristijan Popovski, Telecom Specialist, ZTE Corporation, North Macedonia

Video - Alicia Melanie Shepard

 Head, Person, Face, Adult, Female, Woman, Accessories, Jewelry, Necklace, Happy, Janet Emerson Bashen

 – Ms Alicia Melanie Shepard, Lecturer, Shepherd Tutoring and Homework entre, Trinidad and Tobago

Introduction to Internet Governance

Text - Samar Verma

Diplo alumnus Samar VermaThe course content was contemporary and the programme design was comprehensive and reflected a rich diversity of policy issues. The thoughtful mix of lectures, class interactions and readings, coupled with excellent facilitation, inspired a deep engagement and continuous learning from experts as much as the participants. I truly enjoyed the course!

– Mr Samar Verma, Program Officer, Ford Foundation, India

Text - Anne Doose

Anne Doose - Diplo alumnaThis course helped me a lot in my advisory work in the field of international digital policies and digital governance. I especially enjoyed the weekly class meetings with very active and energising discussions among lecturers and participants, all of them incredible professionals with technical background themselves. Thank you for an extremely insightful course experience!

– Ms Anne Doose, Senior Advisor Digital Governance, GIZ, Germany

Text - Frehiwot Girma Hailemariam

 Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Lady, Body Part, MouthThe course helped me have a structured knowledge of internet governance, and the class discussions and assignments provided even more insights on IG-related topics.

– Ms Frehiwot Girma Hailemariam, Advisor, INSA, Ethiopia

Text - Abdalla Omari

Abdalla Omari alumni reviewsI found many benefits in the course, but the two major ones which stood out are appreciating the exposure data gets online (data security) and the importance of ensuring that everyone participates in policy work to improve internet experience for everyone.

– Mr Abdalla Omari, Chief Executive Officer, Kenya Network Information Centre (KeNIC)

Text - Michael Hausding

HWOUeBCD Michael Hausding alumni reviewsThe Introduction to Internet Governance course gave me a perfect overview over internet governance history, processes, organisations, and the current topics.

– Mr Michael Hausding, Competence Lead DNS & Domain Abuse, SWITCH-CERT

Text - Olita Tupou

Olita Tupou alumni reviewsThe course takes a unique approach to modern digital diplomacy. As an emerging field, the practical, thorough, and in-depth course materials encourage one’s active participation and interest in diplomacy. Its real-world examples and the excellent network of contacts from diplomatic and international forums to governments, and telecommunications and business communities, has made this course very engaging and rewarding!

– Ms Olita Tupou, Prime Minister’s Office, Tonga

Text - Ryan Francis D. Gener

Ryan Gener alumni reviewsOne of the most engaging and interactive online courses I have ever taken. I learned a lot from the cross-cutting expertise and perspectives of the professor and co-participants from the public and private sectors. As a diplomat immersed in more traditional concerns, the course was an eye-opener. Internet governance and digital policy are increasingly important 21st-century concerns. I highly recommend the course to anyone desiring to have a meaningful overview of the multidimensional issues involved, with a view to subsequently deepen their knowledge or make concrete contributions in the international, regional, or local arena.

– Mr Ryan Francis D. Gener, Director, Visa Division, Office of Consular Affairs, Department of Foreign Affairs, Republic of the Philippines

Text - Nourredine Bessadi

 Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Male, Man, Accessories, Glasses, Indoors, Body Part, NeckThe course was precious as it provided me with a flexible and comprehensive understanding of the intricate interconnections between diverse aspects such as security, privacy, human rights, politics, diplomacy, and infrastructure within the digital realm.

– Mr Nourredine Bessadi, Consultant, Minority Rights Group (MRG), Tunisia

Text - Kamilia Kamilia

Kamilia Kamilia alumni reviewsIn addition to the formal internet governance forums and conferences, this course is a great way of bridging the conversation between state and non-state actors as it provides a much-needed opportunity to have multistakeholder discussions. I am enrolled in Diplo’s Contemporary Diplomacy (Internet Governance) master’s programme and I believe this course is not only beneficial for academic achievement, but also for supporting and enriching the development of IG with many inputs, ideas, insights, and critiques from diverse government actors, civil society, technical experts, and academics simultaneously.

– Ms Kamilia Kamilia, Researcher, Institute Pelangi Perempuan, Indonesia

Text - Jan Lüneburg

bG8nmBjd Jan Luneburg Alumni ReviewsThe course provided me with a much needed, comprehensive, and all-encompassing overview of all the basic (and partly already in-depth) aspects that govern the ever-increasing digitalisation throughout our workspace, development cooperation, international diplomacy, economy, and social media. The fantastic experts, Diplo’s stellar administration, and the international round of super-engaged and interesting participants from all over the globe ensured this to be both an absolutely fun and enriching course that truly broadened my knowledge.

– Mr Jan Lüneburg, Portfolio Manager EMENA Region /Governance Department / GFA Consulting Group GmbH, Germany

Text - Suhaidi Hassan

 Accessories, Glasses, Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Male, Man, Formal Wear, Tie, Clothing, Coat, Blazer, Jacket, Indoors, PeopleThis course has not only broadened my perspective on the challenges and opportunities in internet governance but has also prepared me to address them with a balanced and informed approach. Learning about the multistakeholder approach, which includes collaboration, innovation, transparency, and a human-centric focus, has equipped me to engage more effectively in policy processes. This is crucial for my goal of contributing to shaping the digital future of Malaysia in alignment with global standards while also considering our unique national context.

– Mr Suhaidi Hassan, Professor of Computing Networks, Universiti Utara Malaysia

Language and Diplomacy

Text - Kristen Daglish

FcbbQ4ra Kristen Daglisha alumni reviewsThe course explores the fascinating world of intricate word play that underlay current-day diplomacy. The content is stimulating and thought-provoking, not in the least due to the outstanding contributions of Dr Biljana Scott. I gained a deeper understanding of the complexity and creativity of language, and a greater appreciation of its limitations and susceptibility to misuse. I believe this course will benefit those wishing to engage in diplomacy or are keen to unravel the twists and turns of spin doctors.

– Ms Kristen Daglish, International Project Coordinator, Peace and Reconciliation Program, Medellin Local Administration, Colombia

Text - Fernando Sandoval Flores

nToV2uGe Fernando Sandoval Flores alumni reviewsThis creative course gave me the opportunity to think again about some basic concepts which are vital for diplomacy, such as: the relevance of framing an argument, language as action, construction of a narrative, and the power of persuasion. Moreover, we had fruitful interactive sessions where we discussed thought-provoking questions, including questions: Should diplomacy be judged by its management of ambiguities or for its capacity to deliver results? How can we deal with, and understand, the multiple possible meanings of the unsaid?

– Mr Fernando Sandoval Flores, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Mexico, Greece

Text - Miruza Mohamed

AAu8b8zm Miruza Mohamed alumni reviewsThis course is very important for any diplomat: from negotiating to public speaking, listening, and skills needed for press conferences, the course covers all the essentials needed to become a formidable diplomat. Skills learnt in this course have helped me in my everyday professional work and made me skilful at diplomatic communication.

– Ms Miruza Mohamed, Director, Environment Department, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Maldives

Text - Nayeli Ceceña

Nayeli Cecena alumni reviewsI highly recommend this dynamic and thought-provoking course for all diplomats who wish to improve their communication skills, both as speakers/writers and listeners. Through Language and Diplomacy, Dr Biljana Scott shares excellent tools to achieve our goals, not only by expressing what we want to say (and knowing what need not be said), but also by having a better understanding of the other party’s intention through their utterances. A true key to mastering the art of diplomacy!

– Ms Nayeli Ceceña, Third Secretary, Embassy of Mexico, Georgetown, Guyana

Multilateral Diplomacy

Text - Roshelle Henry

Roshelle Henry alumni reviewsThe course was comprehensive, insightful, and innovative. The issues covered were timely and relevant, and the online chat sessions allowed for knowledge sharing by a wide cross-section of officials, including the facilitators working in the field.

– Ms Roshelle Henry, Foreign Service Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Jamaica

Text - Jelena Holl

 Head, Person, Face, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Female, Woman, Black Hair, HairTaking part in this course proved very useful for my current job position. It gave me a very good base and understanding of the world of international relations, politics and, most importantly, how multilateral diplomacy is conducted. It also helped me understand the UN system of organisations and how they function.

– Ms Jelena Holl, Consultant, InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), Switzerland

Text - Diego García Doval

Diego Garcia Doval alumni reviewsThis is an in-depth course on a wide range of diplomatic topics, including history, actors, rules, methods, and processes. Focusing on the UN and its main organs, the course analyses all these issues through the study of actual UN documents and discussions on new developments and reforms. It is a balanced combination of practical and academic perspectives, and involves continuous interaction with peers, as well as devoted and encouraging lecturers which makes it useful both for practicing diplomats and students coming from other backgrounds, like me.

– Mr Diego García Doval, Secretary General, Carral Town Council, Spain

Text - Fitina Khonje

gPuJgpgo Fitina Khonje alumni reviewsThis course is an intriguing eye-opener to the UN system. The most interesting for me was the UN decision-making process and the traditional as well as the emerging techniques of building support in multilateral forums. I am now more confident and eager to embrace the challenges to further my career.

– Ms Fitina Khonje, Officer for Press, Cultural and Development Cooperation, German Embassy, Malawi

Text - Bertha Amakali

MFjibczK Bertha Amakali alumni reviewsI have gained a wealth of knowledge in this field and have enhanced my ability to think critically. I particularly gained knowledge and insight into the methods of multilateral diplomacy, and the current transformations affecting the multilateral system. The weekly assignments were challenging and got me into actively researching and reading. Our lecturers guided me in a manner that allowed me to exchange and discuss my point of view and provided me with comments to my assignments that helped me improve my writing skills and arguments.

– Ms Bertha Amakali, Director of Information and Research, Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation, Namibia

Video - Amb. Jerobeam Shaanika

Diplo alumnus video Amb. Jerobeam Shaanika  – Amb. Jerobeam Shaanika, Deputy Chef de Cabinet, Office of the President of the 74th Session of the UNGA 2019–2020, Namibia

Video - Kimberly Morgan

Kimberly Morgan Diplo alumni reviews  – Ms Kimberly Morgan, International Affairs/Diplomatic Protocol Advisor, US Embassy, Kingston Jamaica

Negotiation Skills

Text - Julián Vazeilles

Julian Vazeilles alumni reviewsThe greatest virtue of the course is its teaching methodology, which promoted a fruitful self-reflection on the role of the negotiator in relation to different negotiation techniques and tools. This self-reflection, based on past professional negotiation experiences and on the course’s activities, helped me to systematise some relevant lessons about negotiations.

– Mr Julián Vazeilles, Embassy Secretary, Embassy of Argentina, Brazil

Text - Elizabeth Akinyi Owino

9dYcPQQS Elizabeth Akinyi Owino alumni reviewsThe course taught me that everyone is a negotiator at one time or another. However, when one engages in diplomacy to advance education, health, internet governance, and other sectors, distinctive types of negotiations, as well as certain specifics, must be adhered to for the process to be successful. This course helps in understanding these specifics.

– Ms Elizabeth Akinyi Owino, Lecturer, Department of Educational Psychology, Moi University, Kenya

Text - Jorge Hernandez Saab

q7dYUlrp Jorge Hernandez Saab alumni reviewsOne of the focus areas of the course, which I appreciated very much, is the power of reframing as a very productive tool to shift or re-adjust a non-working strategy.

– Mr Jorge Hernandez Saab, Diplomatic Attaché, Embassy of Mexico, Saudi Arabia

Text - Natalia Jiménez Alegría

x1HOWliv Natalia Jimenez Alegria alumni reviewsIt was my first time studying about negotiations and the course really provided the main concepts and a solid foundation. Each unit is very well structured and they contain very interesting reading suggestions for deepening knowledge on each topic. I really enjoyed the course.

– Ms Natalia Jiménez Alegría, Second Secretary, Embassy of Mexico, USA

Video - Andrea Becerra Pimentel

Diplo alumna video Andrea Becerra Pimentel

 – Ms Andrea Becerra Pimentel, Law Student, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Mexico

Online Meetings and Conferences

Text - Selly Muzammil

RmFWbwAG Selly Muzammil alumni reviewsThe course was very well designed, timely, and most importantly, easy to digest and apply. After the five-week course, my level of awareness and confidence on how to effectively conduct and attend online meetings improved significantly. From planning and the technical and social aspects of online meetings to tips and tricks for effective moderation, I gained a great deal of new knowledge, applicable to both my professional and personal engagements.

– Ms Selly Muzammil, Regional Government Partnerships, World Food Programme Regional Bureau for MENA, Central Asia and Eastern Europe, Cairo, Egypt

Text - Charline Van Der Beek

DDL9W1fO Charline Van Der Beek alumni reviewsThis course perfectly responded to a know-how gap many of us experienced while abruptly transitioning from physical to online meetings in International Geneva. With all our diplomatic meetings shifting online, it has been great to compare different web-conferencing platforms and be able to choose the one that best fits the needs of our meetings. I loved the hands-on approach of the course, which provided step-by-step guides on preparing and running online meetings, as well as opportunities for students to test the features of different platforms and even moderate online discussions.

– Ms Charline Van Der Beek, Economic Affairs, Development Cooperation, Environment and Internet Governance Attachée, Permanent Mission of Austria to the UN, Geneva, Switzerland

Text - Sandra Bart

KBRzVXFw Sandra Bart alumni reviewsI found the discussion on the role of moderators especially useful. Preparing the team is as vital for the success of a meeting as the actual moderation. It was also very helpful to move from the role of participant to the role of organiser, and to understand which elements are vital for the success of a virtual meeting. The entire course was extremely beneficial and well-timed now that so many of us have been suddenly thrust into the world of virtual meetings.

– Ms Sandra Bart, Sandra Bart, Legal Officer, CARICOM Secretariat, Guyana

Video - Benson Ncube


– Mr Benson Ncube, Business Development Manager, System Automation, Botswana

Video - Katharina Frey


– Ms Katharina Frey, Deputy Head, Swiss Mission to the UN, Vienna, Austria

Video - Mohamed A. Gawad Allam


– Mr Mohamed A. Gawad Allam, Commercial Office, Permanent Mission of Egypt to WTO and UN

Video - Kanika Y. Tomlinson


 – Ms Kanika Y. Tomlinson, Senior Legal Officer, Implementation Unit, CARIFORUM–EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM) Directorate Jamaica, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat, Jamaica

Public Diplomacy

Text - Md. Suman Miah

 Accessories, Glasses, Head, Person, Face, Adult, Male, Man, Beard, Photography, PortraitThis course not only deepened my understanding of the strategic importance of public diplomacy in the global arena but also equipped me with invaluable skills to persuasively and effectively communicate with diverse audiences.

– Mr Md. Suman Miah, Consultant/Geologist, Ministry of Land, Bangladesh

Text - Alana Lomónaco Busto

qVF0mqnb Alana Lomonaco Busto Alumni Reviews This course offered me insights and concrete tools that I have already started to apply in my daily work. The level of interactivity and exchange of knowledge and ideas is one of its strengths. Since public diplomacy has become part of the basic functions of a diplomat nowadays, this course helps to make a better sense of what that means (and what it does not), as well as to find new and creative ways to implement PD strategies and actions.

– Ms Alana Lomónaco Busto, Counsellor, Head of Commercial and Economic Section, Embassy of Argentina, Egypt

Text - Asha Desuza

Asha Desuza alumni reviewsThe course was a mix of diplomatic practice and theory in the 21st century. I was able to expand my knowledge of public diplomatic structures and objectives in an environment that encouraged different perspectives while seeking to define best practices for its participants from various parts of the world.

– Ms Asha Desuza, Foreign Service Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Saint Kitts and Nevis

Text - Natasha Hroneska

Natasha Hroneska alumni reviewsThrough real-case country examples, supported by theoretical debates, the course offered a new and fresh insight into the contemporary issues of public diplomacy. For me, as a diplomat, the discussions among participants have created an exceptional opportunity for sharing original and modern ideas for developing public diplomacy strategies, nation branding, and communication with the public.

– Ms Natasha Hroneska, Head of Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of North Macedonia

Text - Anna Durante

Anna Durante alumni reviewsThe course was exceptional, engaging, and intellectually stimulating! It was delivered with such attention to everyday applications and current affairs, that from the first day I could relate to this relatively new area of diplomacy despite my lack of diplomatic experience. I now have a broader appreciation of the respective roles of stakeholders within government and non-governmental organisations. To those who have an opportunity to take this course, I would simply say, ‘Seize it!’

– Ms Anna Durante, Crown Counsel, Government of the Virgin Islands

Text - Jana Gjorgjinska

sxzAkkXY Jana Gjorgjinska Alumni ReviewsThe course was a great capacity-building experience for me. It was intensive and very rewarding. The course design offered an excellent platform where I could learn and discuss the latest developments in both theory and practice with experienced lecturers and colleagues from around the world. Hearing perspectives from different regions provided me with valuable insights. Though I practice public diplomacy in my day-to-day work, Diplo’s course added value to my work. I strongly recommend it to both young and seasoned diplomats, practitioners of public diplomacy, as well as scholars and researchers.

– Ms Jana Gjorgjinska, Public Diplomacy and Sweden Promotion Officer, Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden, North Macedonia

Text - Gwendolene Roberts

Gwendolene Roberts alumni reviewsFrom providing an in-depth understanding of managing an organisation’s public image to providing space for participants to learn how to develop branding on a budget and navigate multistakeholder collaboration, this course is an excellent option for anyone working with the public.

– Ms Gwendolene Roberts, Policy/ Research Officer, Australian High Commission, Trinidad and Tobago

Text - Guillermo Chávez Conejo

Guillermo Chavez Conejo alumni reviewsProbably one of the most valuable skills any professional can develop during their work life is effective communication. The course has given me the opportunity to meet, interact, and exchange opinions with other diplomats and sharp minds from around the world, and to assess, learn, and put into practice the understanding of soft power, country branding, and public diplomacy. The course will certainly help my development as a diplomat and it will also contribute to conveying proper and effective information to various publics through different communications channels.

– Mr Guillermo Chávez Conejo, Foreign Service Officer, Third Secretary, Head of Political Affairs & Press, Embassy of Mexico, India

Video - Pedro Ludwig Barragán

Pedro Ludwig Barragán Diplo Academy alumnus width=

– Mr Pedro Ludwig Barragán, Second Secretary, Embassy of Mexico to the Holy See, Italy

Science Diplomacy

Text - Anna Machowska

Anna Machowska - Diplo AlumnaThe course was an excellent opportunity to expand my knowledge of how scientists and diplomats work together to address the most pressing global issues and the increasingly important role of scientists in engaging beyond the field of science. This is particularly relevant in the post-COVID-19 era and for rapidly emerging global health challenges such as antimicrobial resistance that require coordinated action, cooperation, and scientific-based policymaking.

– Ms Anna Machowska, Scientific Officer, Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Sweden

Text - Patrick Furrer

Diplo alumnus Patrick FurrerIn the course, I discovered how much science has become crucial in the decision-making processes for UN organisations. I learnt how much they were advancing the agenda of scientific diplomacy, and in particular how UN agencies are leading efforts in science policy and in each of the member states, for instance, in developing new evidence-living frameworks. I was also impressed by the expertise of the people involved in sharing their experiences with us during the course, as well as the expertise of the course participants.

– Mr Patrick Furrer, National Open Science Coordinator, Switzerland

Text - Jovana V. Milić

 Accessories, Glasses, Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Female, Woman, Formal Wear, TieThis unique course provides a better understanding of science diplomacy while contributing to building capacity and stimulating engagement in the global community. I appreciated learning more about the international science-policy interface and interacting with the transdisciplinary community of scientists, policy-makers, diplomats, and others throughout the course.

– Dr Jovana V. Milić, Assistant Professor, AMI – University of Fribourg; Executive Board Member, SYA; Speaker, SYNESPOD; Co-Lead, Science Advice Working Group, GYA, Switzerland

Text - Désiré Neboua

Diplo alumnus Désiré NebouaWhen I started this course, I had some notions about the connection between diplomacy and health. Through the course, I discovered that beyond health, the connection between diplomacy and science can be a driver of progress in several areas related to the sustainable development goals. I particularly appreciate the science-policy interface, a crucial platform for science diplomacy which allows exchanges and joint construction of knowledge with the aim of enriching the decision-making process. I also found out that it is possible to use artificial intelligence to support diplomatic negotiation processes.

– Mr Désiré Neboua, Medical Coordinator, ALIMA NGO; President, GRADES (Groupe de Recherche et d’Action en Diplomatie Et Santé), Senegal

Text - Anna Seidel

 Body Part, Face, Head, Neck, Person, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Female, Woman, Happy, Smile, Jaw, AccessoriesThe course provides a great overview for professionals from various backgrounds spanning the private sector to diplomacy professionals and academics looking to expand their understanding of how the sciences can act as an important bridge between nations and cross-national interests.

– Ms Anna Seidel, Investment Professional, Dynamo Capital LLP, UK

Text - Manuel Herrera-Rábago

Manuel Herrera-Rábago - Diplo AlumnusI learned a lot from scientific diplomats from different countries about concepts, trends, technological advances, and science, which makes the course a lever to enhance my professional development.

– Mr Manuel Herrera-Rábago, Deputy Consul of Mexico, Oxnard, California, USA

Text - Encieh Erfani

Diplo alumna Encieh ErfaniBeing a scientist myself, the  course was a great start to officially get familiar with the topic, especially from a political point of view. Through several examples of science diplomacy, I learned how a scientist can become a science diplomat.

– Ms Encieh Erfani, PhD, Assistant Professor, IASBS, Iran

Text - Mouloud Khelif

Diplo alumnus Mouloud KhelifThe course covers the main developments and also the current and critical issues raised at the interface of science and diplomacy. It also enabled us to practically identify and analyse the roles and impact of science diplomacy and diplomats. I really enjoyed the freedom that the online format allows, the precise structure and rich content, the level of interaction with diverse participants from all over the world, and the overall quality of the discussions with expert lecturers each week. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who would like to understand the importance of science diplomacy as an emerging field combining international relations and science.

– Mr Mouloud Khelif, International Strategy Consultant, Switzerland

Video - Larisa K. Schelkin

Video Larisa K. Schelkin Diplo alumna

 – Ms Larisa K. Schelkin,CEO, President & Founder, Global STEM Education Center, Inc, USA

Video - Alejandro Rivera Becerra

Alejandro Rivera Becerra

 – Mr Alejandro Rivera Becerra, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Mexico, Germany

Sustainable Development Diplomacy

Text - Jean Ignatius

tUKNil7L Jean Ignatius alumni reviewsThe course was a fabulous journey through the complex and multifaceted territory of diplomacy and development for busy practitioners. The format offers flexibility and convenience to avoid conflict with your official duties. The course is interactive and provides tremendous latitude for engaging in hypertext dialogue with lecturers and other students from diverse countries, cultures, and experiences. The most rewarding was the ability to dissect the theory in the context of daily practice, with adept support from lecturers who have practical field experience.

– Mr Jean Ignatius, IICA Representative in Jamaica, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)

Text - Towela Nyirenda-Jere

Towela Nyirenda Jere alumni reviewsThe course is an insightful exploration of the actors, issues, and processes that shape international development. The course is structured in a way that allows students to understand the origins and intricacies of development cooperation while having the space to discuss and debate contemporary issues. Being able to relate the underlying history and current debates to my own work was an invaluable experience. I would recommend this course to anyone involved in international development, diplomats and non-diplomats alike.

– Ms Towela Nyirenda-Jere, Programme Manager, e-Africa Programme, NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency

Text - Gonzalo Juan Carlos Canseco Gómez

Gonzalo Juan Carlos Canseco Gomez alumni reviewsI found the course challenging and inspiring in equal measure. The lectures and complementary reading material were extremely useful. Even more valuable were the lucid comments and authoritative yet flexible guidance from the course coordinator and lecturers. I would recommend it wholeheartedly to anyone wishing to deepen their understanding of the most crucial issues in today’s development agenda.

– Mr Gonzalo Juan Carlos Canseco Gómez, Director General for Foreign Policy Planning, Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Video - John Lobor

– Mr John Labor, Secretary General, South Sudan Red Cross

 – Mr John Labor, Secretary General, South Sudan Red Cross

Tech Diplomacy

Text - Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes

 Accessories, Earring, Jewelry, Head, Person, Face, Photography, Portrait, Lady, Necklace, Blonde, HairAn exceptional experience with DiploFoundation, a catalyst for professional advancement! The course enhanced my diplomatic understanding and will certainly shape my career trajectory. The staff was highly supportive, and the illustrious faculty provided valuable insights while fostering an intellectually stimulating milieu. The transformative networking opportunities allowed me to forge connections with accomplished professionals and eminent dignitaries from across the world.

– Prof. Dr Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes, Founder & CEO, Institute for Science, Entrepreneurship and Investments, USA

Video - Larisa K. Schelkin

Video Larisa K. Schelkin Diplo alumna

 – Ms Larisa K. Schelkin,CEO, Global STEM Education Center, Inc, USA


Visit our MA/PGD in Contemporary Diplomacy and Advanced Diploma in Internet Governance (ADIG) dedicated pages for the programmes’ details.

Advanced Diploma in Internet Governance

Text - Karim Abdelghani

 Face, Happy, Head, Person, Smile, Photography, Portrait, Formal Wear, Adult, Male, Man, Clothing, Suit, Accessories, TieThe Advanced Diploma in Internet Governance was an enriching program. It offered deep dives into critical policy issues like internet technology, cybersecurity, and AI governance. The instructors were experts who made complex topics engaging and relevant. Learning alongside a global community with diverse backgrounds made the experience even more valuable.

– Mr Karim Abdelghani, Programme Coordinator, Arab Regional Office, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Egypt

Text - Ibiso Angela Kingsley-George

 Head, Person, Face, Body Part, Neck, Photography, Portrait, Accessories, Earring, Jewelry, HairThe programme provides an insightful and unbiased overview of the internet governance space, which is necessary for me to function actively in my current role. The faculty goes beyond teaching to share real-life experiences that make teaching more impactful. Also, the interactive learning style ensures that learning is more profound and personalised and creates opportunities for better feedback and assimilation.

– Dr Ibiso Angela Kingsley-George, Head, Internet Governance Unit, New Media and Information Security Department, Nigerian Communications Commission

Text - Ammar Hamadien

Accessories, Glasses, Blazer, Clothing, Coat, Jacket, Formal Wear, Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Tie, Adult, Male, Man, Suit, IndoorsBy completing the ADIG programme, I gained a deeper understanding of the contemporary issues associated with cybersecurity, internet governance, and artificial intelligence. I had the extraordinary opportunity to meet and network with highly experienced individuals from around the globe. Diplo’s online learning methodology provides the academic and practical components of the courses with a unique dimension not found at other educational institutions.

– Mr Ammar Hamadien, Senior Advisor, Digital Cooperation Organization, Kuwait

Text - Nadia Tjahja

Nadia Tjahja - Diplo AlumnaThe ADIG programme allowed me to explore current topics with members from different stakeholder groups, such as the governmental and private sector, from backgrounds uncommonly linked to my research area, and from countries with which I have little contact. Meeting policy and decision-makers from all these different fields and experiences gave me an understanding of the practical and ethical issues they encounter and how they interact with the theory and research I engage with daily. The discussions focus not only on the now but also on what is ahead of us and reflect on how future developments will impact our engagement with these topics.

– Ms Nadia Tjahja, PhD Fellow, UN University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Text - Talanoa Langi

 Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Adult, Male, Man, MonkPartaking in the ADIG programme has been a valuable experience, as I was able to delve into relevant topics alongside members from various stakeholder groups – including those from the governmental and private sectors, with backgrounds unrelated to my research area, and hailing from countries that I rarely interact with. Meeting policy and decision-makers with diverse experiences allowed me to gain insight into the ethical and practical issues they face, as well as how they interact with the theories and research I engage with daily. The conversations not only focused on current matters but also anticipated future developments and considered how they would impact our approach to these topics.

– Mr Talanoa Langi, Manager for IT Service, Public Enterprises, Tonga Government

Text - Manyi Arrey Orok-Tambe

Manyi Arrey Orok Tambe alumni reviewsThis programme enabled me to understand the important dimension which cyberspace and online communications bring to foreign policy and national, regional, and global public policy. From the perspective of a participant from a developing country, the online courses help to bridge the knowledge gap by creating a unique experience for the learner who is able to grasp so much from the shared experiences and perspectives of lecturers and colleagues from across the world. Opportunities for applied knowledge also enable participants to integrate core skills and build expertise which they can rapidly put into practice.

– Ms Manyi Arrey Orok-Tambe, Foreign Affairs Officer, Ministry of External Relations, Republic of Cameroon

Text - Gregory Mounier

Gregory Mounier alumni reviewsThe Advanced Diploma in Internet Governance is ideally suited for busy professionals who need to get a good grasp of the core internet technical infrastructure and how it relates to global public policy issues. The course material is constantly updated by experts to reflect the latest developments in our fast-paced environment and this leads to extremely interesting and stimulating discussions with fellow students and lecturers. The programme challenges your ideas and broadens your perspectives on how the internet is really governed.

– Mr Gregory Mounier, Head of Outreach, European Cybercrime Centre (EC3), EUROPOL

Text - Violeta Antovska

Violeta Antovska - Diplo alumnaThe ADIG programme has changed the trajectory of my professional career. I found it very informative and helpful in broadening my knowledge in the field of diplomatic security. All the courses were an excellent source for my professional growth.

– Ms Violeta Antovska, Diplomatic Security Officer, Permanent Mission of Ghana to the UN, USA

Text - Ryan Francis D. Gener

Ryan Gener alumni reviewsIn obtaining the Advanced Diploma in Internet Governance, I took three online courses at DiploFoundation, i.e. Introduction to Internet Governance, E-Diplomacy, and Internet Technology and Policy. As a mid-level diplomat exposed mainly to traditional diplomatic concerns, the programme provided comprehensive working knowledge on the technical and policy aspects of the international governance of the internet. The courses provided an overview of internet governance, probed the challenges and opportunities faced by diplomatic actors in the internet age, and comprehensively tackled the main online technologies and their nexus with key internet principles. I was particularly impressed with the in-depth knowledge and diverse backgrounds of the lecturers and my classmates. The online discussions were stimulating and cutting-edge. This is an excellent programme for those who wish to understand and help shape the ever-expanding online world.

– Mr Ryan Francis D. Gener, Director, Visa Division, Department of Foreign Affairs, Philippines

Video - Mustafa Yaasin Sheik

Diplo alumnus video Mustafa Yaasin Sheik

– Mr Mustafa Yaasin Sheik, Somali Network Information Center (SONIC)

Master in Contemporary Diplomacy

Text - Kevon Swift

Kevon Swift alumni reviewsThe MA in Contemporary Diplomacy with a specialisation in internet governance provides the ideal frame for my disparate pieces of knowledge about the internet. The wide variety of courses to choose from for the online learning sessions meant that I could tailor the programme to advance my internet studies while honing my diplomatic skills to match.

Read an interview with Kevon on Diplo’s blog.

– Mr Kevon Swift, Business Analyst, External Relations Unit, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Trinidad and Tobago

Text - Marie Betts-Johnson

 Adult, Female, Person, Woman, Hair, Blonde, Pixie CutThe MA programme is a glimpse into the future where diplomacy meets digitalisation, which is now a reality in all areas of diplomacy craft for today’s complex global challenges. Excellent content, skilfully delivered by renowned experts ranging from ambassadors to diplomats. A bonus was being in the presence of diplomats and global professionals and learning from their experiences. Diplo has perfected the online learning process with a support team dedicated to the success of its participants.

– Ms Marie Betts-Johnson, President, International Protocol Institute of California, USA

Text - Angelic Caroline Alihusain-del Castilho

Angelic Alihusain del Castilho alumni reviewsThe MA/PGD in Contemporary Diplomacy allowed me to increase my knowledge and skills at tremendous speed and depth, while remaining in and performing stronger in my job. I was very impressed by the professional support provided by the professors and fellow students, allowing for total immersion in all aspects of contemporary diplomacy from different global perspectives. This programme is truly a valuable experience that provides critical skills and knowledge in a motivating environment.

– Ms Angelic Caroline Alihusain-del Castilho, Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Suriname; Named to IGF MAG 2013

Text - Kathleen Nina Tupou

Kathleen Nina Tupou alumni reviewsDiplo’s MA in Contemporary Diplomacy is dynamic and interactive, and provides a good basis for understanding today’s globalised and interconnected society. The three main highlights for me were: (i) the wealth of knowledge divulged by experienced instructors in the field of diplomacy; (ii) the detailed, structured, and collaborative nature of the course materials and discussions; and (iii) the chance to share and learn from my colleagues about their nations, experiences, and worldviews. Through this course, I have gained a newfound confidence and worldview of the role of small Pacific islands in the diplomatic arena.

– Ms Kathleen Nina Tupou, Senior Assistant Secretary, Palace Office, Nuku’alofa, Tonga

Text - Francois Desruisseaux

RZceOmPD Francois Desruisseaux alumni reviewsFollowing ten years of humanitarian work, the Postgraduate Degree in Contemporary Diplomacy proved a valuable academic complement to my professional experience and proved helpful in facilitating access to increasingly senior leadership positions.

– Mr Francois Desruisseaux, Director, Disaster Response Program, CARE, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Text - Setaita Tupua Kalou

VvUXl1Ny Setaita Tupua Kalou alumni reviews e1638880967654I was interested in the deeper intricacies of diplomacy in the 21st century, given the major tectonic shifts in today’s geopolitics. The MA in Contemporary Diplomacy programme delivered this by providing us with a more holistic approach which featured the mainstream key players’ perspective as well as the often ‘silent’ dimension of small states. The programme exceeded my expectations and pushed our traditional boundaries to expand our body of knowledge beyond our comfort zones.

– Ms Setaita Tupua Kalou, Senior Assistant Secretary (Political & Treaties), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Fiji

Text - Towela Nyirenda-Jere

Towela Nyirenda Jere alumni reviewsThe internet governance route within the MA in Contemporary Diplomacy has enabled me to situate the focus of my work on internet governance in Africa in a space that is directly relevant to the mandate of the NEPAD Agency. The programme is highly interactive and provides opportunities to shape one’s learning by blending personal experiences with the experiences of other participants. I have found immense value in being able to bring together the two worlds of internet governance and diplomacy.

– Ms Towela Nyirenda-Jere, Programme Manager, e-Africa Programme, NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency

Video - Pere Mora Romà


– Mr Pere Mora Romà, Webmaster and Publication Specialist, Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Brazil

Video - Desirée Zachariah

Diplo alumna video Desirée Zachariah

– Ms Desirée Zachariah, Country Based Specialist, Electronic Government for Regional Integration Project, Antigua and Barbuda

Video - Lutine de Boer


– Ms Lutine de Boer, Senior Policy Advisor, Urban Planning, Netherlands

Video - Amir Kiyaei

Diplo alumnus video Amir Kiyaei

– Mr Amir Kiyaei, IGD Group, South Africa


Visit our Workshops page for a full list of workshops on offer.

Communication Skills

Text - Jovana Grujić

JjeIw4VA Jovana Grujic alumni reviews

The Communication Skills training made me think about the way I use words and sentences in order to transmit a message. It taught me that the tone of voice and the way of speaking is more powerful than we think. We learned from an experienced and devoted coach who taught us that awareness is the key to successful communication, and that only if we give the listener a reason to care, our message will be heard. Ms Mary Murphy, for sure, gave us a reason to care. I warmly recommend this workshop and thank Ms Murphy for making me eager to continue to develop myself.

– Ms Jovana Grujić, Independent Counsellor, Public Procurement Officer, Department for Property, Legal and Common Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Serbia

Effective Communication and Persuasion Under Stress

Text - Filip Pavlović

A72v0rao Filip Pavlovic alumni reviewsThis workshop with DiploFoundation was truly a great experience, both provocative and engaging. The exercise widened my understanding of the media environment and taught me how to use my words and body language to deliver effective messages, maintain composure throughout media interviews, and avoid the potentially disastrous consequences of being ill-prepared. I recommend this workshop to all diplomats desiring to improve their media skills.

– Mr Filip Pavlović, Foreign Policy Officer, Sector for the EU Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Serbia

Intercultural Communication Essentials

Text - Michael J. Oghia

Qo48ggbX Michael J. Oghia alumni reviewsI work cross-culturally every day, so I was excited to refresh my skills and learn new ones. The workshop exceeded my expectations. I particularly enjoyed how it was not centred on identifying contrasting cultural particularities, but instead focused on the self, how we respond to communication, and then addressed how that communication is culturally influenced.

– Mr Michael J. Oghia, Advocacy & Engagement Manager, Global Forum for Media Development

Public Speaking

Text - Jelena Ožegović

fO9NC3XS Jelena Ozegovic alumni reviewsMs Mary Murphy made us face our fear of public speaking during a two-day workshop that has completely changed my way of thinking about and preparing for public speaking. She got us to speak about subjects we are familiar with and those we know nothing about, sharing her knowledge and insightful advice with us, while the hours passed in the blink of an eye.

– Ms Jelena Ožegović, Marketing and Communications Associate, Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS)

The Power of the Unsaid

Text - Dušan Vujović

Dusan Vujovic alumni reviews e1638888380311The workshop was a great way to learn the essence of diplomacy: implicit communication and its nuances. Having in mind the exceptional nature of foreign service, which includes protocol and diplo-reporting, this workshop has given us excellent skills which can be used in all other areas of diplomacy, such as bilateral, multilateral, economic, humanitarian, public, etc.

– Mr Dušan Vujović, Foreign Service Officer, Cabinet of the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Serbia