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AI diplomacy

Artificial Intelligence (AI) increasingly shapes international relations, influencing diplomacy’s practice and substance.

According to Jovan Kurbalija, AI will increase the relevance of diplomacy: Why AI will enhance, not replace, human diplomacy?

AI diplomacy encompasses AI’s impact on geopolitics, including AI as a prominent topic on diplomatic agendas and using AI as a practical tool in diplomatic activities.

This page examines these three aspects, exploring how AI transforms diplomatic practice, reshapes the global balance of power, and becomes an essential topic in negotiations and international agreements.

AI and Diplomacy is anchored in humAInism, Diplo’s holistic approach to AI. 



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AI’s impact on geopolitics

The influence of AI on geopolitics is profound, with nations investing heavily in AI development to enhance their military, economic, and societal power. Countries that lead in AI research and development stand to gain significant advantages, wielding more influence over global economic systems, military capabilities, and technological infrastructure. This shift contributes to a new global dynamic where technological prowess increasingly dictates geopolitical standing.

As AI capabilities evolve, they contribute to shifting alliances and power structures. Nations like the United States and China are at the forefront of AI development, leading to competition that often extends beyond technological rivalry into broader geopolitical tension. The race to dominate AI has implications for everything from economic growth and military defense to international security policies, making it one of the defining elements of contemporary global power struggles.

AI as a topic on the diplomatic agenda

AI has also become a crucial topic for diplomatic negotiations as countries and international organizations seek to shape global norms and governance frameworks. Diplomats are negotiating treaties and agreements addressing ethical, safety, and security challenges presented by AI. These include guidelines on privacy and data protection, ethical considerations for AI development, and discussions on how AI systems can be safely integrated into society.

Efforts are underway at the national, regional, and international levels to develop regulatory frameworks that ensure AI’s benefits are maximized while minimizing its risks. Existing international organizations, such as the United Nations and regional bodies, are increasingly including AI as part of their agendas, hosting discussions that aim to define acceptable uses of AI, mitigate its risks, and foster international cooperation in its development.

AI as a tool for diplomacy

AI is not only a subject of international debate but also a practical tool that diplomats and foreign policy professionals are incorporating into their work. AI technologies are being leveraged for decision support, drafting speeches and documents, analyzing trends, and even supporting negotiations. AI tools can analyze large datasets to identify trends and predict future developments, aiding diplomats in formulating informed policy decisions.

For instance, AI can help diplomats understand complex geopolitical dynamics by processing vast amounts of information more efficiently than human analysts. It can also support language translation, allowing for more effective communication in multilingual settings, and assist in identifying patterns in diplomatic communications that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Policy implications of AI

The far-reaching implications of AI on policy require careful attention across multiple areas, including economics, safety, security, privacy, and ethics. While AI promises economic growth through increased efficiency, automation also brings significant disruptions, such as labor market challenges and concerns over job displacement. There are opposing views on the impact of AI on employment: while some fear mass unemployment due to automation, others believe AI will create new job opportunities that can offset losses.

AI also raises concerns regarding safety, security, and privacy. AI-driven systems, such as autonomous vehicles, must be designed to safely handle unforeseen situations, and the cybersecurity risks associated with AI technologies need to be addressed. Privacy and data protection are particularly pertinent, given that AI systems often require massive datasets, which can include sensitive personal information. It is crucial that developers embed privacy guarantees and data integrity within AI applications.

Ethical and legal considerations

The ethical challenges posed by AI include issues of fairness, accountability, and transparency. AI systems make decisions that can significantly impact individuals and communities, raising concerns about discrimination and bias. Ethical AI development is, therefore, a key topic on the international agenda, with ongoing efforts to create standards that ensure AI systems operate fairly and without unintended harmful consequences.

Legally, the debate centers around whether existing regulations are sufficient to govern AI or if entirely new frameworks are needed. Initially, many advocated for adapting existing regulations, but as AI innovations advanced, there emerged a recognition that AI-specific governance might be necessary. Consequently, national and international regulatory initiatives are beginning to address these challenges, with countries developing AI strategies that balance innovation with regulation.

AI’s role in shaping diplomacy’s future

The integration of AI into society will inevitably influence the conduct of diplomacy. The broader and deeper AI’s integration becomes, the more it will reshape the context in which diplomats operate.

Diplomats will need to adapt to new AI-driven tools for negotiation, analysis, and communication. As AI transforms the landscape of international relations, it also presents new opportunities and responsibilities, including safeguarding human rights in an increasingly digital world.

DiploFoundation’s AI Lab has been at the forefront of exploring AI’s impact on diplomacy, conducting research, and developing capacity in this area. The lab’s research includes mapping AI’s opportunities and challenges for diplomacy, providing insights into national AI strategies, and examining AI’s role in supporting diplomatic practice, such as speech analysis and trend forecasting.

Courses and training

Diplo’s training in AI is anchored in a survey of competencies – talents, knowledge, and skills – of relevance for AI and diplomacy. Read more here: What are diplomatic competencies for the AI era? 
These competencies are developed and nurtured through courses and training activities as described in How to train diplomats for the AI
Diplo AI Campus hosts a wide range of courses and training on AI and diplomacy including AI Apprenticeship.

Diplo studies and reports

The impact of AI on diplomacy

anatomy 1751201Mapping AI’s challenges and opportunities for the conduct of diplomacy

Building on DiploFoundation’s continuous research on the relationship between technology and diplomacy – and the recent report on Data Diplomacy, commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, as well as the ongoing mapping of developments in artificial intelligence (AI) undertaken by the GIP Digital Watch observatory – Diplo’s AI Lab is partnering with institutions to progress the research and capacity development in the area of AI and diplomacy.

One of our research projects will Map AI’s challenges and opportunities for the conduct of diplomacy. With AI’s entry into all aspects of society, it will inevitably influence diplomacy. The more deeply AI is integrated into society, the larger the effect will be on the context in which diplomats operate. Broadly speaking, our aim is to understanding how AI, both existing applications and future developments, will impact the conduct of diplomacy.

Our research as part of the inception study is being conducted in four areas:

  1. In the first area of research, we aim to give a brief overview of the broad impact of AI on the conduct of diplomacy, building on DiploFoundation’s three-part typology which maps AI in relation to diplomatic practice in three areas:
  • AI as a tool for diplomatic practice
  • AI as a topic for diplomatic negotiations
  • AI as an element shaping the environment in which diplomacy is practised
  1. In the second area of research, we are providing an overview of national recommendations and policies regarding AI. A number of countries have begun to work towards national AI strategies. We give an overview of these (emerging) strategies and analyse trends.
  2. In the third area of research, AI as a tool for diplomacy, we are giving an overview and access the advances of AI in analysing, recognising, and simulating human language. This has potential relevance for AI’s ability to support the work of diplomats and other foreign policy professionals in analysing internal and external text documents, analysing speeches and giving input for the content and framing of speeches, catching spam and unwanted messages, and identifying hate speech and combating the spread of terrorism content on social media platforms.
  3. The fourth area of research zooms in on one specific implication of AI by looking at its human rights dimension. As AI algorithms involve judgements and decision-making – replacing similar human processes – concerns have been raised regarding ethics, fairness, justice, transparency, and accountability. In this area or research, we provide an overview of the key debates and give a future outlook.

AI report[Update] Findings of the inception study became available in January 2019 and were presented during a launch event. The report on Mapping AI’s challenges and opportunities for the conduct of diplomacy maps the relation between AI and diplomacy, takes a look at national AI strategies in a comparative manner, explores the possibilities of AI as a tool for diplomacy, and highlights the impact of AI on human rights and the responsibilities of states.

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