Cybersecurity Diplomacy online course

Cybersecurity Diplomacy online course

The Cybersecurity Diplomacy course equips professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to act effectively in cybersecurity diplomacy. This online course analyses how the abuse of technology impacts geopolitical security, social and economic development, and cyber processes and negotiations. The course is taught by academics, technology experts, and seasoned diplomats.

Notice how cybersecurity news has moved from ‘lifestyle’ and ‘tech’ sections to ‘politics’, and even ‘breaking news’

The increasingly frequent and high-impact cyber breaches, hacks, and attacks are influencing global political and economic relations, and pushing states to the negotiating table. From the UN General Assembly and Security Council, to the G7, G20, the WTO, and various regional organisations like the AUC, OSCE, OAS and ASEAN, states are forced to find ways to secure cyberspace. Cyber(in)security is impacting international peace, sustainable development, digital cooperation, human rights and privacy, as well as the global digital business environment, and stakes are getting higher for everyone: ministers, diplomats, business executives, civil society leaders, tech gurus, and top researchers.

All this confronts us with a number of interesting and crucial challenges, that we cover in this cybersecurity training:

  • Can international diplomacy, together with regional and national policies, address technology-related threats in current geopolitical contexts?
  • How can diplomats, businesses and civil society leaders promote collaboration over confrontation?
  • How can we ensure that agreements on secure behaviour in cyberspace can preserve the internet’s potential for universal access, economic and social development, and individual security, rights, and freedoms?
  • How can YOU prepare yourself and your institution to take an active part in these processes?

Interested in becoming actively involved in cybersecurity negotiations and processes that aim to make our global cyberspace a safer place?

This 6-week online course on Cybersecurity Diplomacydebates current critical topics, such as those addressed in the final report of the UN Cyber OEWG, through group readings, fireside chats with policy experts, and other interactive learning techniques.

With Diplo’s well-recognised, engaging, and interactive learning methodology, this cybersecurity training provides a space for exchanging experiences and views within s select group of professionals from around the world, as well as with lecturers who are among the top professionals and senior diplomats active in cybersecurity.

The Cybersecurity Diplomacy course complements our longer and more intensive academic Cybersecurity course, which provides a much broader overview of cybersecurity policy, including combating cybercrime and terrorism, protecting critical infrastructure, national policies and international cooperation, and the interplay between cybersecurity, economic development and human rights.

To learn more about the two main UN cybersecurity processes (GGE and OEWG), visit our Digital Watch observatory.


Cybersecurity Diplomacy

Text – Steven Sim Kok Leong

 Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Happy, Smile, Adult, Male, Man, Hashim Djojohadikusumo

The course was excellent and offered a springboard for CISOs and interested parties to pay it forward back to the community for a greater cause. The format was also refreshing and harnessed the collective wisdom of course instructors and students to cross-pollinate ideas and views to unravel potential blind spots, polish insights and create eureka moments. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is keen to make a difference in the global cybersecurity ecosystem.

– Mr Steven Sim Kok Leong, Chair, Executive Committee, OT-ISAC & CISO, Singapore

Text – Pauline Wamuyu Kimotho

Pauline Wamuyu Kimotho - Diplo AlumnaThe content, the people, and the methodology of the course are exceptional. The course considers participants’ diverse training and expertise and encourages sharing views, enriching the learning process by lecturers who are seasoned experts in various fields. The learning tool is easy to use and interactive. I highly recommend the course to anyone looking to learn about cybersecurity and diplomacy and have fun at it.

– Ms Pauline Wamuyu Kimotho, Corporation Secretary/ AG Director Legal; Information and Communications Technology Authority, Kenya

Text – Jessica Paola Orellana Curillo

Jessica Paola Orellana Curillo - Diplo AlumnaThe course has been a great forum for discussing relevant topics with people of different nationalities, roles, and experiences from around the world. In addition, it has been an excellent opportunity to strengthen my knowledge concerning the application of existing international law to cyberspace, norms of responsible state behaviour, confidence-building measures, and capacity development. Understanding the importance of negotiation on these issues in the multilateral arena will be helpful in my job.

– Ms Jessica Paola Orellana Curillo, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ecuador

Text – Bennette Thomas

2fH8mLMh Bennette Thomas alumni reviews e1638881342536This course was not only very enlightening and the best online programme that I have ever taken, but it has assisted me with some very useful knowledge and insights into the intricacies of cyberspace. I was particularly taken aback by the innovative ways that cyberspace has grown with new terminologies and acronyms such as ‘the acquis’, the GGE, the OEWG, lethal autonomous weapon systems, and the use of AI in cyberwarfare.

– Mr Bennette Thomas, Director, Telecommunications & Technology, Ministry of Economic Planning, Sustainable Development, Investment, Resilience, Telecommunications & Broadcasting, Dominica

Text – Jennita Appanah Appayya

Jennita Appanah Appayya - Diplo AlumnaCybersecurity diplomacy is a new area for me and the course acted as a foundation for helping me understand the topic. I liked the most its teaching methodology, which allowed participants to learn at their own pace and promoted a productive self-reflection. It was great to work with the course lecturers, ambassadors, and participants, as they all had unique contributions to make and I learned a lot from them.

– Ms Jennita Appanah Appayya, Information Security Specialist, CERT, Mauritius

Text – Julian Berry

4ycdcqsk Julian Berry alumni reviewsThe entire course was an eye-opener for me because I had knowledge about what cybersecurity was, but never in such depth.

– Mr Julian Berry, Cyber Security Analyst, Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Health, ICT, Entertainment, Entrepreneurship and Talent Development, St Kitts and Nevis

Text – Juliana Crema

Juliana Crema alumni reviewsI found the course’s format and structure to be very useful in covering many complicated topics in a clear and concise way. Thanks in part to the carefully selected materials and extremely knowledgeable expert discussions, the course helped me to not only consolidate my knowledge on topics such as international law and cyberspace, but it also encouraged me to take this knowledge and to apply it in more concrete ways. As a civil society professional, I highly recommend this course to others in the field who are interested in learning more about cybersecurity diplomacy.

– Ms Juliana Crema, Research Associate, CyberPeace Institute, Switzerland

Text – Phannarith Ou

Phannarith Ou alumni reviewsI cannot find the words to describe how useful this course was for a technologist like me who wants to enter the diplomatic world. The course is tailor-made, insightful, and a practical, up-to-date overview of the developments in cyber diplomacy. I really enjoyed the Process and Diplomacy modules which not only highlighted discussion outcomes, but the journey of a multilateral approach to cyber negotiations between states and related stakeholders. More importantly, the course made me feel more confident to take part in any cyber engagement within regional and international fora.

– Mr Phannarith Ou, Professor, Cyber Issues, Royal University of Law and Economics; Director, ICT Security, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (MPTC), Cambodia

Text – Moradeke Adelekan

Moradeke Adelekan - Diplo AlumnaThe discussion on the effects of a cyberattack on critical infrastructure was the highlight, particularly the disastrous impact of such an attack if it is not averted on time. I will utilise my newly acquired knowledge by sharing it with the relevant Nigerian cybersecurity stakeholders.

– Ms Moradeke Adelekan, Senior Counsellor, International Organisations Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nigeria

What will you learn?

  • How to explain the impact of (in)security of digital technologies on geopolitics and social and economic development
  • To understand cybersecurity issues on the diplomatic agenda and their impact on geopolitics
  • How to identify multilateral and multistakeholder political processes that shape global and regional cybersecurity agendas
  • How to explain the roles that stakeholder (states, companies, emergency responders, civil society, and academia) should play in achieving cyber-stability
  • How to identify steps to prepare an institution to take part in those processes
  • How to take an active role in international processes around strategic digital/cyber policy

How will you learn?

In this course you will interact intensively in discussions with classmates and lecturers from around the world. You will receive guidance and personalised feedback on your classwork from the course team.

How long will you learn?

The course lasts for 6 weeks:

  • 1 week of course introduction and orientation to online learning
  • 4 weeks of addressing the course topics one by one (see below for more details)
  • 1 week for the course wrap-up and completing pending tasks

Course lecturers

 Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Indoors, Adult, Male, Man, Accessories, Glasses, Clothing, Coat

Asoke Mukerji

Former Indian Ambassador to the United Nations, New York

Jovan Kurbalija

Executive Director, Diplo

 Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Blonde, Hair, Adult, Female, Woman, Body Part, Neck, Clothing, Coat, Happy, Smile

Pavlina Ittelson

Executive Director, Diplo US

 Face, Head, Person, Mustache, Adult, Male, Man, Photography, Portrait, Accessories, Glasses

Vladimir Radunović

Director of Cybersecurity & E-diplomacy, Diplo

Katherine Getao - Diplo lecturer

Katherine Getao

Cyber Hygiene, Cyber Diplomacy, and ICT Strategy and Governance Consultant

Who should apply

This course will be of interest to professionals from developed and developing countries, who want to follow and contribute to global negotiations on cybersecurity, and in particular:

    • Diplomats and other practitioners involved in foreign relations (in ministries, international and regional organisations, etc.)
    • Decision makers: officials in ministries, regulatory authorities, parliaments, etc.
    • Business executives: corporate decision makers, strategic planning and government relations officers
    • Civil society leaders in think-thanks, capacity building organisations, human rights advocacy groups, etc.
    • Incident responders and technical community professionals such as executives of the CERT/CSIRT or SOC teams, standard-setting bodies, etc.
    • Researchers and academics interested in digital technology, cybersecurity, and international relations.


Interested in how the security aspects of digital technology shape geopolitics - international peace and stability, and social and economic development? Do you want to learn how to contribute to various processes that shape the global cybersecurity environment? Then this online cybersecurity course is for you.

You don’t need to be a tech or policy expert to attend the course. All technical, legal,  diplomatic, and policy aspects will be explained in this cybersecurity training in a clear, easier to understand, and appealing manner. The unique value of the course lies in the exchange of experiences and knowledge within a network of professionals from various backgrounds, as well as a well-crafted learning approach designed and facilitated by seasoned diplomats and experts.

The knowledge, insights, and contacts gained in this course are applicable in: deliberations of international and regional organisations, government policy decisions, strategic planning and governance relations for businesses, academic research and education, civil society advocacy work, and raising public awareness via media.

Guest lecturers

The course will involve number of guest lecturers, among others:

Ambassador Jürg Lauber, former Chair of the UN Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on Developments in the Field of ICTs in the Context of International Security, and Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United Nations and other Organizations in Geneva

Ambassador Amr Aljowaily, former Vice Chair of the UN Disarmament Commission and Rapporteur of the United Nations’ Special Committee on Peacekeeping, and Ambassador of Egypt to Serbia

Mr Ljupčo Jivan Gjorgjinski, former Chair of the Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS), and Senior Advisor for Multilateral Affairs at the MFA of North Macedonia

Mr Chris Painter, former Coordinator for Cyber Issues at the US Department of State, President of the GFCE Foundation

Course outline

    • Explaining the strategic impact of cyber(in)security on the political, social and economic environment. Analysis of landmark cases, such as the SolarWinds hack.
    • Understanding the cybersecurity issues on the diplomatic agenda and their impact on geopolitics (applicability of international law, norms and confidence building measures; particular concerns like protection of critical infrastructure and the supply chain, exploitation of vulnerabilities and the proliferation of malicious tools, challenges of attribution, etc; broader contexts like Internet governance, human rights and economic development).
    • Discussing the roles that stakeholder should play for cyber-stability: states (and various national institutions, parliamentarians, etc), companies (and in particular the producers of digital products), incident responders (like CERT/CSIRT teams), the technical community, non-government organisations and advocacy groups, academia and the research community.
    • Mapping multilateral processes (UN cyber GGE and OEWG, etc.) and multistakeholder processes (Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace, Tech Accord, Charter of Trust, and Geneva Dialogue on Responsible Behaviour in Cyberspace, etc.) that shape global cybersecurity agenda, work of regional organisations (ASEAN, OSCE, OAS, AU, SCO, etc.), and related discussions in other international and multilateral organisations and processes (UN Digital Cooperation, ITU, WTO, and SDGs process, etc.).
    • Understanding the specificities of diplomatic and political processes, and identifying steps to prepare an institution to take part in those processes (capacity building, diplomatic skills, developing foreign policy, etc.).

With the support of:





Diplo’s Cybersecurity Diplomacy course is conducted online over a period of six weeks. Reading materials and tools for the interaction are provided through an online classroom. Each week, participants read lecture texts and watch videos, add their comments, references, and questions. Course lecturers and participants read and respond to these, creating asynchronous interaction. Throughout the week, participants complete additional activities (e.g. games, simulation exercises, and quizzes), and meet course lecturers at the end of the week for an hour-long session to discuss the week’s topic.

Courses are based on a collaborative approach to learning, involving a high level of interaction. This course requires a minimum of 3-4 hours of study time per week at their own pace, but may often lure participants to spend more due to the level and quality of the exchange among participants. Groups are limited to 25 participants.

At the end of the course, successful participants are awarded with a certificate of completion, and invited to join Diplo’s global Internet governance and cybersecurity online community of over 2000 members, with an option to attend thematic webinars and other events and activities.

All course materials, the e-learning platform, and the working language of the course is English. Applicants need to possess sufficient English reading and writing skills to follow postgraduate level materials and discussion.


Applicants for the certificate course should have:

    • Interest in cybersecurity policy, international peace and stability, diplomacy, and multistakeholder approaches in international affairs.
    • Sufficient  English reading, writing and speaking skills to undertake postgraduate level studies (including reading texts, and discussing complex concepts with other course participants);
    • Regular internet access (broadband is preferable);
    • A minimum of 3-4 hours commitment per week, and the readiness to participate in hour-long class online sessions (once a week at specified times).

Fees and scholarships

The 800€ fee includes:

    • Tuition
    • Access to all course materials online, via Diplo’s online classroom
    • Personal interaction via the online classroom with course lecturers, staff and other participants
    • Online technical support
    • E-certificate issued by DiploFoundation on successful completion of course requirements (interaction and participation, all assignments) which can be printed or shared electronically via permanent link

Applicants must pay full fees upon official acceptance to the course.


Alumni members are eligible for a 15% discount on course fees.

Discounts are available for more than one participant from the same institution.

Financial assistance

A limited scholarship fund is available for diplomats and others working in international relations from small and developing countries, through support from the governments of Malta and Switzerland.

As Diplo's ability to offer scholarship support is limited, candidates are strongly encouraged to seek scholarship funding directly from local or international institutions.

How to apply

Fill out the short form to start your application process for this course. You will receive an instruction email on how to continue.

If you are applying for financial assistance, please upload your CV and a motivation letter that should include:

  • Details of your relevant professional and educational background
  • Reasons for your interest in the course
  • Why you feel you should have the opportunity to participate in this course: How will your participation benefit you, your institution and/or your country?


Cancellation Policy

Diplo reserves the right to cancel this course if enrollment is insufficient. In case of cancellation, Diplo will notify applicants shortly after the application deadline. Applicants who have paid an application fee may apply this fee towards another course or receive a refund.