Citizen engagement

From our blog

The power of blogging

Mary Murphy

My Facebook page was full of updates on Istanbul on Monday morning and to my shame I hadn\'t realised that anything untoward was going on over there. I spent most of the weekend offline amidst the poppies and vineyard...

Training and courses



The role of diplomatic missions in Open Government

The purpose of this research paper is to assess the degree to which Open Government values and principles are being implemented by the diplomatic missions of Moldova and Malta, particularly in regards to their work with civil society and citizens' participation in poli... Read more...

Food, Ketchup, Logo, Armor


The power of personal contributions

‘Some of the major issues in the African region that we, as individuals, have to face are infrastructure implementation, awareness, and education. Luckily, there have been encouraging steps by several stakeholders and the younger generations...’ - Duksh Koonjoobeeh... Read more...

Head, Person, Face, Adult, Male, Man, Photography, Portrait, Body Part, Neck, Happy, Smile


Social media and networks: What potential is there for policy engagement by citizens in West Africa?

The paper takes a look at concrete case studies in Nigeria, Ghana, and Côte d’Ivoire and looks at different levels of citizens’ engagement in public policy and how social media and networks are being used. Interviews, questions, consultations, discussions, and sur... Read more...

Advertisement, Poster, Text


Emerging Leaders for a Digital World (2011): Dalsie Greenrose Kalna Baniala from Vanuatu

‘With the number of training courses I have attended, including attending the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), I have learnt a lot.’... Read more...

Accessories, Earring, Jewelry, Necklace, Face, Head, Person, Photography, Portrait, Happy, Smile, Body Part, Mouth, Teeth, Adult, Bride, Female, Wedding, Woman


About E-participation

This one-page document aims to explain the origins and needs of the usage of ICT in global participation, as well as to mention some good practices and potential for the future.... Read more...


Roma Diplomacy

Roma Diplomacy is a collection of papers written or inspired through Diplo’s 2005/2006 Roma Diplomacy project. ... Read more...


Paradiplomatic’ Relations between the United States and Kosova: A Friendship between an Elephant and a Mouse

Naim Dedushaj's thesis 'Paradiplomatic relations between the United States and Kosova' studies the relations between the Albanian nation and America that date way back in history. The first Albanian immigrants moved to the United States in the second half of the 19th c... Read more...

Food, Ketchup, Logo, Armor