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IGCBP Call for Applications Closes 7 February

Published on 16 January 2012
Updated on 05 April 2024

DiploFoundation is currently accepting applications for course participants for the 2012 Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme (IGCBP12). This online programme is designed to improve Internet policy and IG-related knowledge and skills for participants from both developed and developing countries and to assist them in participating in the global decision-shaping debates on IG. The programme also facilitates community building among individuals with different national, cultural, and professional backgrounds.

The programme

The 2012 programme offers 30 places for professionals from diverse stakeholder backgrounds in IG-related fields and is open to individuals from around the world. Three phases of the four-phase programme will be conducted entirely online.

The 12-week Foundation Course in Internet Governance (6 March–1 June 2012) introduces IG policy and covers five thematic areas: Infrastructure and Standardisation, Legal, Economic, Sociocultural, and Development aspects, and a section on IG processes and actors. Discussions will cover issues such as broadband policy; management of domain names and IP addresses, including the transition from IPv4 to IPv6; network neutrality; jurisdiction, intellectual property rights, open source and piracy; privacy protection; data security and cybersecurity; child protection; human rights; content management; digital signatures; emerging issues such as policies related to social networks and cloud computing, and more, with space for regional and other issues raised by the participants.

Learning activities take place in an online classroom and include the analysis of course materials; interactive group discussions using a variety of communication tools, assignments, and exams; and other dynamic methodologies. Successful participants of the Foundation Course will receive a certificate of completion.

An optional 8-week online course on developing and implementing national/regional ICT policy and strategic plans (12 June–11 August 2012) will follow shortly afterwards and will have a separate application process. Advanced modules will also be offered in Infrastructure, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Security, Privacy, the History of the Internet and E-participation. A second call for applications will be announced for advanced courses. Priority will be given to successful participants from the Foundation Course.

The advanced courses will be followed by an optional 8-week online Policy Research Methodology Course focused on policy issues of highest relevance to developing countries, and is closely linked to training activities. Each participant will apply these methodologies while preparing an actual policy research proposal on a topic relevant to their own region. More information will be available at https://www.diplomacy.edu/capacity/ig later in 2012. The best proposals will be eligible to apply for further development, with tutoring, editing, and publishing support for the actual research writing.

An award-based policy immersion phase offers fellowships to a selected number of the most successful participants in the programme, such as internships with partner organisations or attendance at regional IG and ICT policy-related meetings. The flexible timing of this phase depends on fellowship, partner, and participant availability, and may extend beyond the programme dates if agreed by all parties.


Programme materials and the online classroom website are in English.

In addition to English-speaking groups, a bilingual group may be formed for the Foundation Course, having English as the primary language, and either Arabic, French, Spanish, or Portuguese as the secondary language for communication and interaction. This option will be offered depending on the needs of the applicants.

Target audience

Diplo seeks applications from the following categories of individuals from both developed and developing countries:

  • officials in government ministries and departments dealing with Information Society, Internet and ICT-related policy issues (e.g. telecommunications, education, foreign affairs, justice);
  • officials in regulatory authorities or institutions dealing with Information Society, Internet and ICT-related issues;
  • postgraduate students, academics and researchers in the IG field (e.g. in telecommunications, electrical engineering, law, economics, development studies);
  • civil society activists in the IG and Information Society fields;
  • journalists covering IG issues; and
  • individuals in Internet-business fields (e.g. ISPs, software developers).


  • 1 December 2011: Call for applications begins
  • 7 February 2012: Call for applications ends
  •  February 2012: Selection results available
  • 6 March–1 June 2012: Foundation Course on Internet Governance
  • 12 June–11 August: ICT Strategy and Advanced Courses
  • To be decided: Policy Immersion (fellowships)
  • To be decided: Policy Research

Scholarships and Fees

Applicants from developing countries* are eligible to apply for scholarship support for a limited number of scholarships. Early applications will be expedited, and qualified applicants will be provided with an e-mail .pdf of acceptance to assist them in finding sponsors.

*Non-members of OECD


  • Foundation course: €800.00
  • Advanced courses: €500.00
  • Policy research: €500.00

Payment must be made before participants are granted access to the classroom.

Applicants from developing countries who require financial assistance to attend the course should remember to apply early so we can assist in their search for sponsorship.


The applicants are required to have:

  • basic awareness and interest in issues related to the Information Society, ICT, and IG;
  • knowledge and/or experience of the multistakeholder approach in international affairs;
  • fluency in English, as well as fluency in the second language for the applicants to any of the bilingual groups;
  • good writing skills, ability to summarise information and focus on details;
  • regular access to the Internet (dial-up connection is sufficient);
  • minimum of 8 hours commitment per week during each phase of the programme (this is perhaps the single most important requirement and should be evaluated seriously by any potential applicant); and
  • the readiness to participate in online consultations (once a week at specified times).


The deadline for applications is 1 February 2012, by midnight UTC/GMT.

How to apply

To apply, fill in the registration form: https://archive1.diplomacy.edu/registration/Register.aspx?IDprogramme=194e58b5-d65d-47ff-a81d-127272480c66

For more information, please visit https://www.diplomacy.edu/capacity/ig

Do not hesitate to contact us at ig@diplomacy.edu



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