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Author: Zoniaina Fitahiana Rakotomalala

Bridging the digital divide


‘Internet governance (IG) is a new field which lacks expertise in Madagascar. Some of the pressing issues in Madagascar are the digital divide, IT illiteracy, and the inadequacy of national jurisdiction with technology advances.’ – Zoniaina Fitahiana Rakotomalala from Madagascar
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A study of the UN Working Group on IG – MSP in communication technology for development at the global level

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It is a sustainable project with great results. The participants of our capacity building projects are currently taking charge of managing local initiatives, drafting regional ICT policy plans and training their own teams.' - Dhrupad Mathur from India


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Re-imagining the future

‘There is so much work still to be done. There are so many unraveling threads. There is so much still to create. There is much need to better use the Internet for development.’ - Sheba Mohammid from Trinidad and Tobago


Bridging the digital divide

‘Internet governance (IG) is a new field which lacks expertise in Madagascar. Some of the pressing issues in Madagascar are the digital divide, IT illiteracy, and the inadequacy of national jurisdiction with technology advances.’ - Zoniaina Fitahiana Rakotomalala from Madagascar


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Development diplomacy and poverty reduction strategy

Lichia Yiu and Raymond Sanner describe in detail the application of development diplomacy in the context of international co-operation for poverty reduction in Highly Indebted Poor Countries. In particular, the authors describe the goal of the International Labour Organisation – a non-state actor – in advocating the inclusion of employment and Decent Work Agenda policies in Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers, an instrument developed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.


The Milennium Development Goals Report 2015

The Millennium Development Goals Report 2015 reflects on the progress made towards achieving the eight goals set by world leaders in 2000. It highlights significant accomplishments in areas such as poverty reduction, child mortality, and access to clean water. However, challenges remain, including disparities among regions and persistent inequalities. The report emphasizes the need for continued efforts to address these issues and accelerate progress towards sustainable development.


Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a comprehensive plan that outlines 17 goals aimed at ending poverty, protecting the planet, and ensuring prosperity for all. It addresses challenges such as climate change, inequality, and peace and justice. The agenda emphasizes the importance of partnerships, data, and financing in achieving these goals. Implementing the agenda requires a collective effort from governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals to create a more sustainable and equitable world by the year 2030.


Exploring the need for speed in deploying information and communications technology for international development and bridging the digital divide

This paper comes on the eve of the millennium development goals deadline of 2015 which acknowledges ICT as the enabler for speeding towards the finish line. The quest is to explore whether we are all speeding towards a clearly defined goal, given our varied capacities and affinities.


Making Education a Priority in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

The post-2015 development agenda should prioritize education to address global challenges effectively and promote sustainable development. Educational goals must encompass quality, inclusivity, equity, and lifelong learning opportunities for all individuals, regardless of background. Investing in education not only benefits individuals by improving their opportunities and well-being but also contributes to societal advancement by fostering economic growth, reducing poverty, and promoting social cohesion. Education is a fundamental human right and a key driver of progress, making it essential f...


Teaching computer literacy to alleviate poverty

'I am involved in strengthening education policies at a global level through a forum that will bring representatives from national and international organizations, experts, teachers, NGOs and the youth who are engaged in education...' - Charity Gamboa from the Philippines

Understanding the Digital Divide

The digital divide refers to inequalities in access to and usage of technology. Factors such as income, education, geography, and age can contribute to this gap. Bridging this divide is crucial for ensuring equal opportunities for all individuals in today's technologically-driven world.