lighting, Diplomacy

DiploFoundation & Geneva Internet Platform at WSIS Forum 2016

02 May 2016 - 06 May 2016


Another busy WSIS Forum week is ahead of us in Geneva. DiploFoundation and Geneva Internet Platform will organise the follow activities and events around the WSIS Forum 2016. We invite you to join us. You can also follow live updates and session reports on our dedicated page on the GIPDigital Watch observatory.

[Update] The GIP’s WSIS Forum Report is now available
[Update] The reports from WSIS Forum sessions are now available: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5


Throughout the whole week, we will be providing live updates and just-in-time reporting from sessions. Session reports will be available on the GIP Digital Watch observatory and a final WSIS Forum summary report will be available by Tuesday, 10th May.


Monday, 2th May

10.30 – Engaging digital actors, fostering effective digital policy, monitoring digital governance (WSIS Forum session)

  • The discussion will dissect the complex picture of Internet governance and consider avenues for navigating this dense policy space. With representatives from the diplomatic community, private sector, and civil society, it will discuss the needs of various communities when it comes to policy information, monitoring and action. More info. Full remote participation is available via the WSIS Forum website.

Tuesday, 3rd May

8.30 – WSIS Forum Exhibition inauguration

  • The Geneva Internet Platform will have a booth at the WSIS Forum. Come and meet us to learn more about our activities.

14.00 – High-Level Policy Session on Knowledge Societies, Capacity Building and e-Learning

Wednesday, 4th May

13.15Ensuring Civil Society’s Voice is Heard in ICANN

  • The Geneva Internet Platform will facilitate a briefing about the opportunities to strengthen civil society’s contributions and participation in ICANN. The event is in situ only. More info.


If you are in Geneva, join us for a reception (organised with the Internet Society and the Perception Change Project of UNOG) and Diplo gathering of alumni, on Monday, 2nd May at 18.30, at the WMO building, top floor. Places are limited. To confirm your attendance, please email Aye Mya Nyein at by tomorrow, Friday 29th April, noon. More info.