lighting, Diplomacy

WebDebate: The future of diplomatic training

03 May 2016 -


'Can we learn diplomacy from books?' is the main quesiton for the next WebDebate, which will be addressed by two practising diplomats with rich experience in diplomatic training: Mr Stefano BaldiMinister Plenipotentiary and Training Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperaiton of Italy and Ambassador Milan Jazbec, Ministry of Foreign Affair of Slovenia. Join us with comments and questions on future of diplomatic training!


Diplomatic training has been transformed by technology: diplomats now have access to vast amounts of information and resources, and diplomatic training can be conducted online. Other aspects, such as new approaches in knowledge management and the range of new skills diplomats need to learn, have also changed how diplomatic training is conducted.

register-buttonJoin us on Tuesday, 3rd May, at 11:00 UTC, for a discussion on the future of diplomatic training. Experts will present different perspectives during a debate moderated by Dr Jovan Kurbalija. Register for the debate.

The WebDebates on the future of diplomacy are livestreamed on the first Tuesday of every month. They are organised by DiploFoundation within the framework of the International Forum on Diplomatic Training (IFDT). Learn more about our series of WebDebates.

If you form part of a dynamic circle of diplomacy practitioners in your community, we encourage you to establish a diplomatic hub to follow the WebDebates and to facilitate discussions. For more information, contact Ms Mina Mudric, DiploFoundation.

For background readings, consult: