lighting, Diplomacy

Development and humanitarian challenges for small island developing states

23 June 2014 -

Bern, Bernerhof, Leuchtersaal, Bundesgasse 3

Event description

2014 is the UN International Year of Small Island Developing States. On 1-4 September, Samoa will host the Third UN Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Humanitarian issues, disaster recovery, and trade challenges feature prominently in international discussions on small island states. The Samoa Conference will also address small island states issues in the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

23 June 2014 (11.00–13.00)

Bern, Bernerhof, Leuchtersaal, Bundesgasse 3


The roundtable will benefit from the insights of ten officials from Pacific island states who will be visiting Geneva and Bern in the framework of the Capacity Development Programme in Multilateral Diplomacy for Pacific Island States (CD Pacific).

The event, to be held in Bern, will concentrate on developmental and humanitarian challenges faced by Pacific island states. The event is open to:

  • Swiss governmental officials (in particular EDA/SDC)
  • Academics and researchers on foreign policy and development
  • Non-state actors active in the development and humanitarian field
  • Media



11.00–11.05  Official welcome by Ambassador Jürg Lauber

Networking coffee

11.30–13.00  Welcome remarks by Dr Jovan Kurbalija, DiploFoundation and Ms Anuja de Silva, Commonwealth Small States Office, Geneva

Introduction to CD Pacific (aims, programme, content) by Dr Jovan Kurbalija, DiploFoundation

Roundtable discussion (10-minute introduction + discussion). Tentative list of themes include:

  • Humanitarian issues and disaster recovery
  • Trade challenges for Pacific small island states
  • Strengthening voices of small island states in post-2015 multilateral diplomacy


Please register by 22 June at this link. For more information contact Tereza Horejsova at