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DiploNews – Issue 92 – 2 November 2006

DiploNews – Issue 92 – November 2, 2006

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Diplo at the Internet Governance Forum in Athens

DiploFoundation's coordinators, tutors, and participants of the Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme have met in Athens for the first inaugural meeting of the Internet Governance Forum. The BBC News has recently posted a review of the Forum with reference to related and background stories.
Prior to the meeting, the Diplo team and participants attended a symposium organised by the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GIGANet) on October 29. Chaired by Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Ang Peng Hwa, Milton Mueller, and William Drake, members of the panel discussed various aspects of Internet Governance. Topics included the relation of Internet Governance to the social sciences, the humanities, law, and other disciplines. The meeting addressed intellectual, institutional, and other barriers to Internet Governance, and how these might be overcome. As well, the symposium took up how Internet Governance can develop into an interdisciplinary scholarly field taken seriously by academics, yet capable of providing useful inputs to the Internet Governance Forum and other policy-development institutions.

Application Deadline Extended: November 2006 Short Online Courses

We have extended the application deadline to November 6, 2006 for our short, online courses starting in November 2006: 

Courses allow working diplomats and others involved in international relations to continue their education by learning about new topics in the field of diplomacy, or expanding and refreshing their knowledge of more traditional topics. Courses require 10 weeks of part-time study, typically 6 to 8 hours per week. Successful participants receive a postgraduate level certificate from DiploFoundation.
The extended application deadline is November 6 – Courses begin the last week of November 2006. For further information, click on the titles of the courses above, or visit the Diplo website.

Collective Leadership Institute Skills Development Program

The Collective Leadership Institute of Berlin is offering a comprehensive skills development program in Facilitating Multi-Stakeholder Dialogues, beginning 30 November 2006. The program in three modules will enable participants to create result-oriented and consensus-building communication architectures for stakeholder involvement, multi-stakeholder dialogues, round tables, and partnerships. For project managers, moderators, consultants, or partnership brokers looking for an innovative facilitation methodology, this program will introduce the fundamental approach to dialogic facilitation, and present essential instruments of the approach.

For more information please contact info@collectiveleadership.com.

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