lighting, Diplomacy

International Conference on Multistakeholder Diplomacy

11 February 2005 - 13 February 2005


Event description

This conference examined the multistakeholder approach to diplomacy in
general, with particular focus on the role and impact of various
stakeholders in the WSIS process. The conference aimed at contributing to
the World Summit on the Information Society and Internet Governance
processes by providing policy and practical recommendations. Modern
international relations has shown that traditional diplomatic processes are
not sufficient for addressing complex new issues such as health,
environmental protection and trade. Increasingly, other actors are becoming
involved, beyond the traditional national states and international

This conference examined the multistakeholder approach to diplomacy in
general, with particular focus on the role and impact of various
stakeholders in the WSIS process. The conference aimed at contributing to
the World Summit on the Information Society and Internet Governance
processes by providing policy and practical recommendations. Modern
international relations has shown that traditional diplomatic processes are
not sufficient for addressing complex new issues such as health,
environmental protection and trade. Increasingly, other actors are becoming
involved, beyond the traditional national states and international