lighting, Diplomacy

The Metaverse and International Relations

11 November 2021


Event recording

Event date: 11 November 2021, 11:00–12:00 CET

A metaverse is the digital future that Facebook, and other tech giants, are working towards. What does it mean for international relations?

You won’t just be watching the metaverse, you will be in it. Think of it as a mix of virtual reality, streamed entertainment, social media, and strolling down your local high street.

The event ‘The Metaverse and International Relations’, organised by ICR Research, aims to discuss questions such as:

  • What will this mean for diplomacy and international relations?
  • Will it make dialogue easier and safer, or just create new risks?
  • Will it help tackle climate change?

The expert panel includes: Ilan Manor, Corneliu Bjola, Natalia Grincheva, James Pamment, and Diplo’s Katharina Höne (Director of Research).

To register, visit the dedicated page.