lighting, Diplomacy

SEE Hub: Internet governance in June 2017

27 June 2017 -

Belgrade and online

Event description

What were the main Internet governance (IG) updates in June, and how will they shape future developments? What IG developments and events happened in South Eastern Europe (SEE) this month? And what is planned for July?

Join the South Eastern European hub for our next monthly briefing, on Tuesday, 27th June, for a round-up of the major global and regional IG and digital policy developments.

You receive hundreds of pieces of information on digital politics.
We receive them, too.
We decode, contextualise, and analyse them.
Then we summarise them for you.

Every last Tuesday of the month, the Internet governance briefings provide a ‘zoomed-out’ update of the major global IG and digital policy developments. They are delivered live from Geneva, and broadcast online.

The Internet governance in June 2017  briefing takes place on Tuesday, 27th June, at 13:00 CEST (11:00 UTC/GMT). In parallel, a South Eastern European hub is organised in Belgrade and online.

Join our SEEhub, in-situ or online, to follow the global briefing (45 minutes), and continue with discussions on regional implications and developments (45 minutes).

Fill in the registration form to reserve your place.

The monthly Internet governance briefings are organised by the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP), a Swiss initiative run by DiploFoundation. The SEE hub is organised by DiploFoundation and the South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG), in cooperation with the Geneva Internet Platform.

Learn more about monthly briefings and local hubs. To keep up-to-date with GIP events, subscribe to our mailing list. More information at .