Event description
DiploFoundation, the Geneva Internet Platform, the Commonwealth Small States Office and the Permanent Mission of Singapore to the UN are organising a briefing for small states and LDCs on the policy processes that are on the horizon for 2018.
Policy briefing for small states and LDCs
16 January 2018, 14:00-18:00
Auditorium De Mello (WMO Building, Avenue de la Paix 7bis)
Small states and least developed countries (LDCs) with limited geographical, human, and/or financial resources face the challenge of doing more with less. With the diversity of issues that are discussed in Geneva, from trade and human rights to digital policy, it remains a challenge to keep up with all the processes.
To better understand the upcoming policy processes and priorities for small states, DiploFoundation, the Commonwealth Small States Office (CSSO), and the Permanent Mission of Singapore to the UN in Geneva are organising a policy briefing for small states on what’s on the horizon in 2018 in the fields of human rights, digital policy, and international trade. Each topic will be presented by experts and a permanent mission with particular expertise in that field.
Provisional programme
14:00-14:30: Welcome and introduction by Diplo & CSSO
14:30-15:15: Human rights: Preparing for the 37th Session of the Human Rights Council
15:15-16:00: Digital policy: Summary of the Internet Governance Forum 2017 and policy processes on the horizon
16:00-16:45: International trade: MC11’s consequences for small states
16:45-17:00: Closing remarks
17:00-18:00: Reception