lighting, Diplomacy

Joint Civil Society Meeting 2017

16 December 2017 -

Geneva, Switzerland

The Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Best Bits, the Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus (IGC), the Just Net Coalition (JNC), and ICANN’s Non-Commercial Stakeholders Group (NCSG) will organise a joint civil society meeting ahead of the 12th Internet Governance Forum. The meeting will be held on 16 December 2017, and will be hosted by DiploFoundation at the WMO Building, Avenue de la Paix, 7bis, Geneva, Switzerland.

The meeting will be dedicated to facilitating coordination, knowledge sharing, and partnership on joint activities among civil society networks. Other objectives include broadening and diversifying participation in the initiatives that participants are undertaking individually or in smaller network in the areas of Internet governance and Internet and human rights; amplifying the voice of global civil society at upcoming multilateral Internet governance and Internet rights meetings; and developing an inclusive and sustainable civil society network for Internet governance and Internet rigths issues.

The overall theme of the meeting is ‘Private regulation of the Internet’. The programme will include several sessions focused on private regulation of the Internet (Internet infrastructure providers’ role in content censorship, developing guidelines of private regulation, mega Internet companies as private regulators of the Internet, etc.), regional issues (Internet shutdowns and implications for Africa, multistakeholder construction of national IGFs in Latin America, building regional education programmes, etc.), trade and the Internet (the future of NAFTA, TTIP, RCEP; economic nationalism, civil society and Internet governance; data flows, etc.), and privacy and economic value of data. 

More details are available on the event webpage.