Event description
Related to the increasing importance of the Internet in our daily lives,
Internet Governance (IG) has become increasingly relevant on a global
level. The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process
(2003-2005) placed the question of Internet Governance in the global
spotlight and resulted in the decision to establish an Internet Governance
Forum. The decision taken by parties at the WSIS indicated WHAT the Forum
should do and WHO should be involved (multistakeholder approach). However,
it did not address HOW the Forum should be organised. This conference aimed
to provide an initial mapping on the formulation of the Forum; a summary of
the event is offered on the conference website.
Related to the increasing importance of the Internet in our daily lives,
Internet Governance (IG) has become increasingly relevant on a global
level. The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process
(2003-2005) placed the question of Internet Governance in the global
spotlight and resulted in the decision to establish an Internet Governance
Forum. The decision taken by parties at the WSIS indicated WHAT the Forum
should do and WHO should be involved (multistakeholder approach). However,
it did not address HOW the Forum should be organised. This conference aimed
to provide an initial mapping on the formulation of the Forum; a summary of
the event is offered on the conference website.