Event description
Dr Roxana Radu, Programme Manager at the Geneva Internet Platform and Internet Governance Associate at DiploFoundation, will be speaking at the Internet Governance, Big Data and the Challenges for International Organizations event, on 19 May, in Torino, Italy.
The Department of Law of the University of Torino and the Centro Interuniversitario sur Diritto delle Organizzazionin Internazionali Economiche (CIDOIE) will organise an event on ‘Internet governance, big data and the challenges for international organisations’, on 19 May 2017, in Torino, Italy. The event will be held under the auspiced of the Società italiana di diritto internazionale e dell’UE, the Interest Group on International and EU Law and New Technologies in the Information Society, the Società italiana per l’Organizzazione international (SIOI), and the Phd Erasmus Mundus in Law, Science and Technology.
The programme will feature two main sessions on:
- Information technologies and international organisations: new models and new forms of governance: governance by data and algorithm; soft international organisations – hints and tips from the web; Internet governance – the role of international organisations and private actors; and
- Big data and international organisations: big data and intellectual property rights; big data and cross-border data flow in the framework of the World Trade Organization; big data and antitrust law; and rights of data portability and the implications for interoperability concerning the use of ‘big health data’.
More details are available in the event flyer.