Event description
DiploFoundation is co-organising a pre-event workshop on Policy Watch Activities, during this year’s EuroDIG. The workshop is organised by members of the MAPPING project.
Over the last couple of years, there have been more and more initiatives (national, regional and global) to map Internet policies and Internet governance developments. Building on the experience gained from participating in these types of ‘mapping’ meetings, the 2017 MAPPING workshop wants to focus on best and worst experiences from the Internet observatories, in an effort to create a best practices document that would help not only the current projects, but especially the ones that are to be developed in the next few years.
Through an open and interactive setting, the 2017 MAPPING workshop will engage the participants in a discussion that could highlight the major lessons learned. If you are interested in attending the event, please register in advance. For more information, visit the workshop webpage.
Diplo team members will also participate as invited speakers or rapporteurs in the following EuroDIG sessions:
5 June, 15:00 – 17:30: Forced data localization and barriers to cross-border data flows:
toward a multistakeholder approach
Marilia Maciel – speaker
6 June, 11:30 – 13.00: Alice in wonderland – mapping the cybersecurity landscape in Europe and beyond
Vladimir Radunovic – co-moderator (remotely)
6 June, 17:00 – 18.30: Blockchain technology and Internet governance
Arvin Kamberi – speaker
7 June, 16:30 – 17:30: International Trade Agreements and Internet Governance
Marilia Maciel – speaker and session focal point
Sorina Teleanu – rapporteur
(All times are UTC+3 – the local time in Tallinn)