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DiploNews – Issue 78 – 31 October 2005

DiploNews – Issue 78 – October 31, 2005

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Diplo @ WSIS Tunis

Diplo invites you to attend our activities at the World Summit on the Information Society, 15 – 19 November, 2005, in Tunis. Many of these events are a culmination of the capacity building projects on Internet Governance organised by Diplo during the WSIS process. Highlights include:

  • Internet Governance during and after the WSIS – panel discussions with high profile participants, reviewing the Internet Governance process between 2003 and 2005, presenting lessons learned, and mapping possible future developments.

  • Internet Governance Capacity Building – an examination of capacity building in the field of IG, showcasing Diplo’s Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme as a possible model. Expert speakers will be joined by new voices in the field – participants from Diplo’s capacity building programmes.

  • Presentation of Internet Governance Booklets in UN Languages – the launch of the 2nd edition of the Internet Governance booklet, published jointly by DiploFoundation and the Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP), and translated into official UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish).

  • Launch of the Internet Governance DVD – the Internet Governance DVD is a comprehensive multimedia resource including the Internet Governance FILM which explains IG issues through interviews with more than 30 leading experts and policy-makers in this field; the Internet Governance COURSE, a self-paced online course developed by Diplo over the last 10 years, covering more than 40 issues organised in 5 baskets; and Internet Governance RESOURCES, a comprehensive repository of materials, papers, and documents on Internet Governance.

  • Launch of the Internet Governance Portal – the portal, which contains 5000 annotated links to various Internet Governance resources, provides both basic and comprehensive access to information and knowledge on Internet Governance.

For more information please visit the Diplo @ WSIS website.

EU Split over Data Retention Scheme

EU countries remain potentially easy targets for terrorist and organised crime networks. In view of that danger EU institutions are debating legislation that would give EUROPOL and EU national law enforcement agencies additional powers in their fight against global terrorism and organised crime. Currently on the EU agenda is the EU justice ministers’ controversial legislative proposal for an EU-wide data retention scheme. The scheme, if passed, would force telephone network operators and Internet service providers (ISP) to keep routine track of phone calls, e-mails and other communication traffic generated by citizens of the EU and candidate member states.
Read the full article…

Call for Applications – Short Online Courses starting in February 2006

Diplo will offer 2 short online courses starting in mid-February 2006: 

Courses are designed to allow working diplomats and others involved in international relations to continue their education by learning about new topics in the field of diplomacy, or expanding and refreshing their knowledge of more traditional topics. Courses require 10 weeks of part-time study, typically 6-8 hours per week. Successful participants are awarded a postgraduate level certificate from DiploFoundation.
The application deadline for both courses is January 23, 2006. Please apply early to be sure of a place in the course.

For further information, click on the titles of the courses above, or visit the Diplo website.

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