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DiploNews – Issue 261 – 2 October 2014

Join us at the Education Diplomacy Day in Geneva

On Tuesday, 7th October, DiploFoundation and the Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) will host an Education Diplomacy Day in Geneva, bringing together educators, diplomats, international and development organisation staff members, and others to discuss the emerging concept of education diplomacy. Education diplomacy refers to the cross-disciplinary, transnational sharing of theories, ideas, and concepts that advance education. It uses the skills of diplomacy to guide educators towards a deeper level of understanding, engagement, and practice in order to advance sustainable change across education systems. Read more about the event, register online, and join our discussion at Diplo’s office in the WMO Building, Geneva.

On the way to the Geneva Internet Conference – a preparatory webinar: Whom do I contact if I want to raise my IG concern?

The Geneva Internet Conference to be held in November is preceded by preparatory webinars and online discussions. In September, we discussed how to overcome IG policy silos on national and global levels. Read more, participate in our forum discussion, and complete a survey mapping your experience with policy silos problems in your country. On Monday, we are opening another current hot IG issue: Whom do I contact if I want to raise my IG concern?

Webinar: Geneva Internet Briefing on IG (October)

The Geneva Briefing on Internet Governance takes place on the first Tuesday of every month. If you would like to get a regular 'zoomed-out' update of the major global IG and digital policy developments, join us online for the webinar briefing from Geneva within the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) project on Tuesday, 7th October 2014 at 13.00 CET. If you are in Geneva, join us in situ; if you are somewhere else, join us online.

Switzerland and cyber surveillance: Event at the Swiss Press Club

The Geneva Press Club, in collaboration with la Mission Suisse, the Graduate Institute, UNIGE, the United Nations Geneva Office, le Club diplomatique and le Collegium International, would like to invite you to Governance Monday: Switzerland and cyber-surveillance, on 6 October with: Luc Recordon, Advocate, Conseiller aux Etats, Member of the Commission de la politique de sécurité (CPS); Richard Hill, The Internet Society Switzerland; and Diplo's Tereza Horejsova. More information at this link.

Torino symposium: The Evolution of of the Internet Governance Ecosystem

On 2 October 2014, the Global Network of Interdisciplinary Internet & Society Research Centers will host an academic symposium on The Evolution of the Internet Governance Ecosystem. The event will mark an important milestone in the NoC’s globally coordinated research effort aimed at examining existing and potential models of distributed and collaborative governance with the goal of informing the evolution of – and current debate around – the IG ecosystem in light of the NETmundial Roadmap and the work of various forums, panels, and committees. Diplo's Jovan Kurbalija will talk on Building Blocks and Toolkits for Distributed IG Models. More information at this link.

MAG 2015 endorsement process on Diplo’s IG community platform

Diplo’s IG community has just taken part in a nomination and endorsement process following a public request by UNDESA Under-Secretary-General Mr Wu Hongbo for the renewal of the IGF’s Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG). Fifteen civil society members of Diplo’s community responded to the call for nominations, by self-nominating themselves on the community platform. The list of names featured in a poll for community members, the results of which were a contributing factor for endorsement. The final list of eight nominees who received strong support from the community was published earlier this week and forwarded for consideration by UNDESA and the IGF Secretariat.

What's been happening in Diplo's blogosphere?

Two recent blog posts show rather different aspects of diplomacy. Petru Dumitriu looks at The Charter of the United Nations interpreted by an artist: Amedeo Besana, an exhibition that ran in the UN Exhibition Gallery in Geneva from 10 to 26 September, while Mary Murphy reposts a blog by Craig Thompson that looks at how former embassies have been repurposed. Check it out at From film house to ghost house: eight former embassies around the world

Remember, you too can have your say by commenting on these or any of our blog posts. And, if you’d like to be a guest blogger, let us know.

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