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DiploNews – Issue 181 – 15 May 2011

DiploNews – Issue 181 – May 15,

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Online Courses in Internet Governance and ICT Policy

Diplo has just announced a new call for applications for the following courses:

  • Cybersecurity
  • Online Privacy and Data Protection
  • Intellectual Property Rights 
  • Infrastructure and Critical Internet Resources 
  • Information and Communications Technology Policy and Strategic Planning

The courses offer in-depth understanding of a wide range of topics. They take place online, on Diplo’s e-learning platform, supported by Web 2.0 interactive tools, allowing participants to learn and participate in a flexible, convenient way. The blend of lecture texts, certified tutors, and collaboration among class participants working and studying in diverse, related fields, offers an opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge and training on current and high-priority issues in information and communications technology policy and Internet governance. The courses will take place from 13 June to 12 August 2011. For detailed information on topics, course structure, methodology, fees, and scholarships, and to apply, visit the Internet governance website. The deadline for applications is 24 May 2011, midnight GMT. For queries, e-mail us at ig@diplomacy.edu.

Online Course: The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and Disarmament

The Geneva Centre for Security Policy, in collaboration with Diplo, is pleased to offer an online course on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and Disarmament. With the growing call for nuclear disarmament, the resurgence of nuclear arms control diplomacy, the persistence of unresolved nuclear proliferation issues (including those regarding Iran and North Korea), and the desire for nuclear energy, coupled with safety and security concerns, the forty-year old Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is central to prospects for disarmament, arms control, and international security. Familiarity with the treaty is increasingly important for practitioners and analysts to navigate their way through current and future nuclear issues. This course will familiarise participants with the provisions, history, and complexities of the treaty. Participants will analyse and dissect the topic, through readings, interaction with lectures, discussions with fellow-participants, and written assignments. Taught by Dr Waheguru Pal Singh Sidhu, Visiting Fellow at the Geneva Centre and former consultant to the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, the course runs from 22 August to 20 October 2011. The application deadline is 15 July 2011. For more information and to apply, please visit the GCSP website.

Summer Courses in Diplomacy

Advance your professional education this summer with one of our courses starting the week of 25 June:

Apply by 23 May for University of Malta accredited courses or by 20 June for Diplo Certificate Courses. For further information or to apply, click on the titles of the courses above, or visit our courses website. Register early to reserve your place!

I found it [the course on Diplomatic Law: Privileges and Immunities] very useful, constructive and also practical towards my line of work. As a diplomat, it gave me an
understanding of the essential components and awareness of the entire
armoury a diplomat possesses through privileges and immunities under the

–Luciano Fonoti, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and Trade, Samoa

World Peace Games – Learning about World Problems and Negotiation

In his talk at TED, a non-profit organisation devoted to ‘ideas worth spreading,’ schoolteacher John Hunter explains how he teaches fourth grade students about world problems and how to negotiate solutions to them. ‘World Peace Games’ started with a four-foot by five foot plywood board in 1978. Now the world of the game and the negotiation field consists of four layers reaching from outer space to a submarine level with thousands of game pieces. The aim is to immerse students in learning and to put them in the shoes of real life negotiators and decision-makers. Spontaneous lessons about just wars, debt relief, and solutions to climate change occur along the way. This inspiring example serves as a reminder of the value and effectiveness of innovative and interactive approaches to learning, at every level of age and experience; approaches Diplo tries to incorporate into online and face-to-face teaching.

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