
Mialy Rann
Science-Policy Officer, Geneva Science-Policy Interface
Dr Mialy Rann is GSPI’s Science-Policy Officer. She oversees the capacity building activities of the GSPI with the aim to foster the integration of scientific knowledge into policy processes and to promote the understanding of issues related to international policy processes among scientific actors. She also coordinates the GSPI’s annual call for projects. Mialy has extensive research experience in sustainability, biodiversity and fisheries issues. She holds a Master’s degree in Nature Conservation Leadership from Cambridge University and a PhD in Geography from the University of Lausanne. She also has practical experience with NGOs and governments, advising on natural resources management and environmental policy. She is involved in science-policy interfaces, including the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) within which she is part of the task force on policy support tools and a lead author on the transformative change assessment.