lighting, Diplomacy

[Webinar] Outcomes of IGF 2014

09 September 2014 -


The 9th Internet Governance Forum took place this week in Istanbul. With over 3,000 participants registered for the event, over 100 sessions, and a new Best Practice track, this year’s IGF promised more tangible outcomes. Join us for a special post-IGF webinar to discuss the main outcomes of #IGF2014.

[Update] The webinar recording is now available here:

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The post-IGF webinar, which will be led by Diplo’s Vladimir Radunovic, will look at the main developments that took place during the week.

While privacy, surveillance and human rights were expected to be among the main topics, how did developments on the future of the IG process unfold? Given the many parallel foras for discussing IG, what decisions were taken on the future of the IGF? What were the main outcomes of this 9th IGF?

Join us on Tuesday, 9th September, at 11:00 GMT (13:00 CET); please register here.

Registrations are now closed.