lighting, Diplomacy

The Impact of the Internet on Modern Diplomacy

23 September 2014 -


Event description

The Impact of the Internet on Modern Diplomacy

The evening panel discussion (18.00-20.00) was hosted by the Embassy of Switzerland in South Africa. Panellists included: Anriettee  Esterhuysen (Association for Progressive Communication), William Masongo (South African Government), and Jovan Kurbalija (DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform).

In a lively debate, panellists explored the interplay between diplomacy and the Internet. They tackled the challenge of balancing the need for more transparency in the Internet era and the need for discretion as one of the characteristics of diplomacy. Panellists and the audience engaged in a discussion on striking the right balance between cybersecurity and human rights on the Internet. This interplay between cybersecurity and human rights will be one of the main challenges facing global digital politics in the forthcoming period.

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