lighting, Diplomacy

Fresh intake for IGCBP 2011: apply now!


Event description

Whether you’ve just started dealing with Internet governance issues, or you have tons of experience in the policy and the process, the Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme offers you beginner and advanced knowledge on IG thematic areas, policy, process, actors… and much more.

This year’s IGCBP, predictably rich in collaborative learning, live discussions and sharing of knowledge with participants from around the world as well as expert lecturers, is made up of four phases.
A 12-week Foundation Course in Internet Governance (7 March-31 May) introduces IG policy and covers five thematic areas: Infrastructure and Standardisation, Legal, Economic, Sociocultural, and Development, and a section on IG processes and actors. This is followed by an 8-week online course on developing and implementing national/regional ICT policy and strategic plans (13 June-12 August), with a special focus on Infrastructure, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Security, Privacy, and E-participation, for which a second call will be announced. An optional 8-week period of online study will train participants in policy research, and guide them through writing their own proposals. An optional, award-based policy immersion phase offers capacity-building fellowships to a selected number of successful participants.
The good news is that Diplo is currently accepting applications for the 2011 IGCBP Foundation Course. If you’re a government official, student, researcher or lecturer, civil society activist, journalist or business sector employee – and you’re regularly dealing with IG- and ICT-related issues, you might be eligible to register for one of the 60 places which are being offered to professionals from around the world. Results of the application process will be announced mid-February. A limited number of full and partial scholarships are available for applicants from developing countries.
For more information about the call and the scholarships, and to apply for the Foundation Course, click here. If you're a national of an ACP country, and would like to apply for a similar course, visit our ACP website for more information. The application deadline for the Foundation Course is 12 February 2011 (midnight UTC/GMT).