lighting, Diplomacy

Diplo/GIP at Shaping the Future of Internet and Digital Tech Governance

25 March 2024

Geneva, Switzerland

Event description

On 25 March 2024, Diplo and the Geneva Internet Platform (GIP) participated in a workshop on Shaping the Future of Internet and Digital Tech Governance in 2024/2025, held in Geneva in the framework of the Freedom Online Coalition (FOC).

Co-hosted by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Canada, the Republic of Kenya, and the Atlantic Council DFRLab Democracy + Tech Initiative, the event featured discussions on the evolution of the global internet and digital governance ecosystem, the ongoing debates on a Global Digital Compact, and the upcoming World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) +20 review process. Diplo/GIP contributed with an overview of the positions and motivations of key actors.

Participants included diplomats from the FOC member states, representatives of the FOC Advisory Network, and othe stakeholders from Geneva.