lighting, Diplomacy

RightOn #6: From crisis to opportunity: How to build back better?

13 May 2020


Event description

As the international community begins planning for a post-pandemic recovery, more and more emphasis is placed on the urgent need to ‘build back better’ and draw lessons from the COVID-19 crisis to help build a more just, equitable, greener, and more peaceful world. This message of hope and opportunity has been echoed by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres who urged the member states to ‘turn the recovery into a real opportunity to do things right for the future.’

But what does this mean in practice? Can we take advantage of this window of opportunity to change the old ways? What is the interplay between social, economic, environmental, and other reforms that need to be considered by state recovery strategies from the outset? 

To find some of the answers to these questions, join us for the 6th Right On Web Chat on Wednesday, 13th May at 13h UTC (15h CEST).

For more information and to register, visit the dedicated webpage.