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DiploNews – Issue 206 – 19 June 2012

Places still available: Summer online courses in diplomacy

We are still accepting applications for our interactive summer online courses: 

Courses start the week of 23 July 2012. Apply by 2 July for Diplo Certificate Courses. For further information or to apply, click on the titles of the courses above, or visit our courses website. Register now to reserve your place.

What’s been happening in Diplo’s blogosphere

June has been a busy month so far in Diplo’s blogosphere. Jovan Kurbalija explains the ancient history of e-participation and wonders whether tweeting is a breach of diplomatic function? He also explores E-diplomacy: between hype and reality. Guest blogger Steven Nelson examines corporate talk vs. action on climate change and wonders if more US companies are embracing the reality of climate change and voicing support to take action against it, why so many politicians and members of the general public are still in doubt on whether climate change is real and what is causing it. Pete Cranston was busy re-imagining the future as he comments on a recent future-gazing piece by Mary Meeker and examines the eDiplomacy hype cycle and the latest wave in the adoption and integration of computing and Internet enabled applications. New guest blogger Liz Galvez wonders if there is no such thing as bad publicity, while another new face to the Diplo blog scene, Tereza Horejzova, discusses the European Union – waiting for the miracle.

In addition to visiting these blog posts, take the time to check out the comments section for interesting discussions and debate.

You can now subscribe to our blogs – to individual channels or to all of them – in order to receive an email every time a new blog post is published. Please follow this link to subscribe to a blog channel (you can also subscribe from our blogs page, on the right-hand side, below the list of channels).

Webinar: Mid-year review of Internet governance (IG) developments

So far this year, the IG process has been shaped by recent events and debates, including ICANN’s 43rd meeting, the SOPA/PIPA strike, the dynamic debate on the new gTLDs, and the worldwide debate on Internet and human rights. How have these events and debates shaped the developments in Internet governance? What can we expect in the next six months? Join us and our host, Dr Jovan Kurbalija, for our June IG webinar, on Tuesday, 26th June, at 12:00 GMT (14:00 CET), to reflect on the main developments so far, and to share predictions about future developments in IG for this year. Registration is required. More information is available here

Meanwhile, the digest and podcast of our May IG webinar on the European Commission and Internet governance, hosted by Andrea Glorioso, are available here.

To receive news, announcements and follow-up emails about our IG webinars, subscribe to our IG webinars group.

Discussing Internet governance

Diplo’s Advanced Phase of the Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme has just kicked off. Over 100 participants are taking part in five classes: Cybersecurity, eParticipation, ICT Policy and Strategic Planning, Infrastructure and Critical Internet Resources, and Privacy and Personal Data Protection. Watch for blogs and comments by our participants on Diplo’s IG community platform, www.diplointernetgovernance.org, in which they share class discussions and personal reflections. The first post is by Sudhamshu Dahal in which he describes his first online session experience, and the issues that were raised by the E-participation class.

On a separate note, Jovan Kurbalija shares his tips for managing our online time, given that the Internet presents us with so much information. A number of new words related to the Internet have made it to the latest version of the Oxford English Dictionary; Mary Murphy describes them in Internet vocabulary broadens: New additions to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Training workshop in Internet governance and diplomacy

DiploFoundation, in cooperation with Central European Initiative (CEI) and Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), is organising a two-day eDiplomacy workshop in Sarajevo on 25 and 26 June, addressing RCC members. The seminar will serve as an interactive assessment of the state-of-the-art in South-eastern Europe, in terms of ICT’s answer to the needs and expectations of the RCC members, of their economic and social convergence to the standards of EU acquisition and to a higher degree of internal cohesion for the development of an eRCC concept and methodology by raising awareness on, and knowledge of, eDiplomacy tools. Please visit our calendar to read more.

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