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DiploNews – Issue 159 – 3 May 2010

DiploNews – Issue 159 – May 3, 2010

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Diplo E-Diplomacy Initiatives in Washington, DC and New York

Diplo held E-Diplomacy Initiative events in Washington, DC on April 26 and in New York on April 27. Both events focused on e-negotiations, TelePresence, and the use of social media in diplomacy. A summary of the Twitter blog of the DC event and the report of the Embassy of Malta on the New York event are available. Diplo will hold the next two launch events in Geneva on May 19 and in Vienna on May 25. For more details on the DiploFoundation E-Diplomacy Initiative please visit Diplo’s E-Diplomacy site. The E-Diplomacy Initiative events are a lead-up to the International Conference on E-Diplomacy that will take place in Malta 3-4 June 2010.

New Summer Course

In recent years, consular diplomacy has emerged as a priority in many foreign ministries, a dramatic turnaround from its earlier treatment as a “poor cousin” to the more glamorous political, economic, cultural, or media activities. Overseas flows of tourists and migrants have multiplied. Indirectly, publics are also much more concerned with foreign affairs, and they connect with consular issues through diaspora diplomacy or emergency affairs management. This new course aims at comprehensive insight into all dimensions of consular diplomacy and its connections with interstate diplomacy.

Consular Diplomacy starts the week of 28 June 2010. It is available as a Diplo certificate course; the application deadline is 24 May 2010.

Summer 2010 Online Courses

The course [21st Century Diplomacy] has helped me to redefine my role as a diplomat, and to appreciate the emerging challenges and responsibilities of diplomacy today . . .
–Michael Bulwaka, Foreign Service Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Uganda

You are invited to apply for the following courses beginning the week of 26 July 2010:

  • 21st Century Diplomacy
  • Diplomatic Law: Privileges and Immunities
  • Multilateral Diplomacy II: Current Issues in the UN

These courses are available as University of Malta Accredited Courses (application deadline 24 May) and as Diplo Certificate Courses (application deadline 21 June). For further information or to apply, click on the titles of the courses above, or visit our courses website.

Middle East Peace Process: Where To Go From Here

In its issue of 28 April, Foreign Policy addresses the Middle East peace process and asks: Why have we failed? Thirteen scholars and practitioners from the United States, Israel, and Palestine who have been in some fashion involved in the peace process were asked about lessons learned, who is to blame, and out-of-the-box ideas to solve the conflict. Among them are former United States National Security Advisor Brzezinski and Daniel Kurtzer, former United States ambassador to Israel and Egypt.

Reducing the UN Carbon Footprint : A Model for Governments

Becoming climate neutral is a highly debated part of the social responsibility of many organisations. The United Nations is no exception. According to an exercise undertaken by the UN, under the direction of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the UN emitted 1.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide in 2008. While this amounts to only 3.3% of the emissions of the New York City, in an invited article at Climate-L.org, Ivar A. Baste (Director of the Environment Management Group) argues that becoming carbon neutral matters for the UN and its interagency cooperation. He claims that the UN could serve as a role model for governments and multinational corporations.

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