lighting, Diplomacy

Migration and Development 2014 online course

22 September 2014 -


Event description

This course provides participants with a conceptual framework and analytical tools to address the relationship between international migration and economic and social development.

It emphasises the legal and institutional framework for international migration, examines governments’ recent changes in policies towards their diasporas, and focuses on different case studies to exemplify how the links between diasporas and their communities of origin have an impact on the conditions and policies for development. Through the study materials, specialised articles, short research activities, exchange of opinions in discussion forums with diplomats from several countries as well as through an individual research project, participants will develop the skills necessary to research, analyse, and apply concepts; compare the experiences of different countries regarding migration and development; and assess existing models and practices.

Migration and Development is offered through cooperation between the Instituto Matías Romero of the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs and DiploFoundation. The course is offered simultaneously in English and Spanish.

Visit the course webpage to read more and apply by 1 September 2014.