Hands of a guy on laptop keyboard

September update from Diplo: Back to school and diplomacy 

12 September 2024
 City, Metropolis, Urban, Architecture, Building, High Rise, Skyscraper, Person

Summer often brings a moment to pause, reflect, and spark new ideas. The frenzy of 2023, filled with AI hype and fear, has begun to fade. Now, the question on everyone’s mind is, “So what?” AI is here, but it’s no longer about the spectacle; it’s about the substance. In many ways, AI has begun its descent into the ‘disillusionment’ phase of the Gartner Hype Cycle (see graph).

Gartner curve for AI in 2024

But this is where the Gartner curve’s explanatory power hits a wall. Gartner’s curve correctly highlights that today’s disillusionment is a reaction to last year’s overblown hype.

However, AI will continue to grow, not through the grandiose proclamations of figures like Sam Altman. Instead, we’ll see AI quietly but profoundly reshape our societies and organisations.

Diplo’s humAInism approach got validated by practice! While technology plays a necessary role, it’s not the critical driver of AI changes. It is not just a phrase but a deep understanding based on our in-depth understanding of what is going on ‘under the bonnet’ of AI engines…

Three persons are looking under the bonnet of the car which symbolises AI. They look for algorithms, data, machine learning, etc.

Beyond technology, AI is about wider societal changes centered around humans, as indicated here…

a woman holding papers in a room - presentation of humAInism website

and mapped by Diplo’s humAInism approach…

 Nature, Night, Outdoors, Astronomy, Moon, outer space

As Diplo’s humAInism approach has proven itself in practice, we took the summer to refine it further by being philosophical in thinking and practical in action.

We focused on two key areas within our mandate: education and diplomacy, both poised for significant and positive transformation in the coming years.

Staying committed to sustainable and practical innovation, we’ve highlighted specific AI solutions in the text below.

AI is commodity: In one day, you can have an AI chatbot. But….

Yes, in 2024, AI became a commodity. It is affordable and easy to use. But, an easy entry point to AI gets much more demanding with AI transformation of organisations as summarised by a formula—one day, one month, one year:

  • One day, or even less, to set up a chatbot on OpenAI or other platforms
  • One month to develop a functional AI assistant with a selection of documents and customised prompts
  • One year to fully integrate AI into organisations and safeguard institutional knowledge by using in-house AI models, knowledge graphs, RAGs, and other AI techniques.

AI is about knowledge: Transforming our organisations

To fully harness the power of AI, it’s essential to centre our organisations around knowledge—not just data. At Diplo, we’ve focused on integrating AI through a “cognitive proximity” approach centred around humans and their knowledge.

Recently, a researcher embedded within our team authored an academic article highlighting what he termed our “ethnographic approach” to developing ethical AI.

His insights revealed that what we consider routine in our AI management could offer solutions to a major challenge in modern AI development: translating thousands of ethical codes into the development and deployment of AI models and applications

Beyond the technical aspects of AI, the real challenge lies in adapting this new approach to organisations, businesses, and governments where knowledge sharing is the exception rather than the rule.

As our expertise and experience could be valuable for AI transformation, we plan to share our insights on AI and knowledge management—gathered over the past three decades—with management schools and other institutions. We welcome any recommendations and suggestions as we navigate these broader social circles.

AI policy slides into confusion: Time to step back and reflect!

AI has quickly become the latest policy buzzword, and if you’re not at the AI governance ‘party,’ you risk being left behind. This surge in interest stems largely from the fear-mongering of 2023, driven by media and tech gurus with motives ranging from ignorance to simple business interests.

Criticised for their inaction, governments have responded with a flurry of initiatives—launching conferences, papers, research centres, and more. The result? A landscape now overflowing with activities, as illustrated below…

 Illustration about random seeds

While the illustration above captures the AI policy hype well, it conveys one subliminal and misleading message that AI should be governed by a selected group of experts who understand niche concepts like ‘random seeds.’ AI is an issue that concerns all of society.

Fortunately, the technology behind AI is not as complex as it’s often presented to us. For instance, ‘random seeds’ are analogous to Durev’s sperm donation that resulted in 100 children, to draw an analogy. More seriously, we are demystifying AI using an analogy involving national flags—a familiar sight at the United Nations in Geneva or New York.

Cover of the book 'Understanding AI through National Flags'

A basic understanding of AI technology is becoming a matter of essential social and democratic ‘hygiene’.

This pressing learning need inspired us to develop an AI Apprenticeship pedagogy, briefings, online courses, and games on AI.

AI is about learning: Innovations in education and publishing

Education and training are central to Diplo’s mission. Our new AI Apprenticeships program connects the dots between AI technology and specialized knowledge. Through this program, apprentices develop AI tools customized for specific fields, such as International Geneva or Swiss climate policy, equipping them with essential skills for their future careers while advancing AI in their areas of expertise. Discover more about courses and programmes at Diplo’s AI campus.

a colorful gradient background with black text 'Diplo AI Campus'

We’ve also launched the KaiZen publishing approach, which blends continuous AI-driven updates with annual human-led reflections. This ensures that our publications remain both up-to-date and precise.

AI is about philosophy: Revisiting EspriTech de Geneve

Jovan has revisited the EspriTech de Genève with a series of thought-provoking texts for Geneva Solutions, developing AI applications inspired by philosophical giants like Rousseau, Voltaire, and others.

 City, Metropolis, Urban, Advertisement, Person, Adult, Male, Man, Art, Face, Head, Water, Waterfront, Poster, Collage, Photography, Nature, Outdoors, Scenery, People, Jehan Cauvin, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Ferdinand de Saussure, Jorge Luis Borges, Voltaire, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

This autumn, he’ll continue exploring the relevance of other philosophical and spiritual traditions for AI, starting with a webinar with Prof. Subrata K. Mitra on Kautilya and modern governance.

 Person, Nature, Outdoors, Art, Face, Head, Sea, Water

Diplo facilitated engaging and critical discussions such as one triggered by Jovan’s text, “There is No Cyberspace.” We encourage you to join the conversation.

This summer was packed with activities and rapid developments on the digital front. Here’s a snapshot of what we’ve been up to:

Here’s a sneak peek at what we have lined up for September and October:


Seal of the Organization of American States.svg
2 September | Duration: 3 weeks | Online

This course provides an introduction to digital policy concepts as they relate to diplomacy for diplomats from the Organisation of American States. It covers internet technology and policy by focusing on technology and core infrastructure issues in the context of public policy, interdisciplinary coverage of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impacts in the policy and governance space, and current cybersecurity challenges affecting safety and security in cyberspace.No description found.

16 September | Duration: 12 weeks | Online

The course covers persuasion, advocacy, negotiations in humanitarian diplomacy, mobilising public and governmental support, facilitating effective partnerships, and giving tips and suggestions for communicating with different audiences,…

ASEF Vertical FULL
23 September | duration: 5 weeks | Online
The ASEF Public Diplomacy Training (ASEFPDT) provides practical and applicable content materials that feed into the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) process with concrete capacity-building training for early-career diplomats, government officials and civil society actors involved in the ASEM Process. The practical skills-oriented training is also a networking opportunity to connect Asian and European diplomats. 
1 October | Duration: 12 weeks | Online

AI Apprenticeship is a learning-by-doing introduction to AI technologies and applications. You’ll explore generative AI (genAI) tools by actively using them and applying your AI knowledge to areas of personal interest such as international relations, digital governance, and tech diplomacy.

14 October | Duration: 8 weeks | Online

Learn how economic diplomacy is connected to other diplomatic branches, trends in economic exchanges, especially in international trade, the purposes of economic sanctions, and much more.

Development diplomacy
14 October | Duration: 8 weeks | Online

Learn how to assess development needs and cooperation opportunities, select appropriate donors, facilitate partner cooperation, implement programmes and projects, and foster win-win aspects for developed and developing countries.

Diplo Science Diplomacy course
14 October | Duration: 4 weeks | Online

Learn how science and diplomacy should work together to solve the world’s biggest challenges, climate change and global health. The course is organised in cooperation with the…

Cybersecurity 0
14 October | Duration: 8 weeks | Online

The course analyses cybersecurity challenges, and the roles diplomacy, legal instruments, policies and other factors play in addressing cyberthreats, including cybersecurity issues; online crime, warfare, and terrorism; e-commerce; cybersecurity; and…

Language and diplomacy 0

14 October | Duration: 4 weeks | Online

Master the skills for balancing authority with attentiveness, including asserting your position confidently while remaining respectful, disagreeing without conflict, and staying composed under pressure.

Digital20Commerce20NEW 0

14 October | Duration: 8 weeks | Online

This course provides an interdisciplinary coverage of digital commerce from both digital and trade perspectives. It builds the knowledge and capacity of participants to engage in digital commerce-related negotiations and…

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Dates to be confirmed

The BWC Advanced Education Course (BWCedu) comprises a five-month advanced education programme under the umbrella of the UNIDIR Academy, in which 25 UNIDIR BWC Fellows will gain in-depth knowledge of the Convention, the diplomatic landscape, and relevant scientific advancements.

Diplo will provide online training and AI assistance. 


WhatsApp Image 2024 09 03 at 12.12.14
3 September | In situ (Geneva)
Jovan Kurbalija spoke on AI at the UN Human Rights Meeting. He focused on the impact of AI on existing human rights, the need to discuss new types of human rights, and the need to safeguard what defines us as humans, including our ‘imperfection’.
WhatsApp Image 2024 09 04 at 14.14.23
4 September | In situ (Geneva)

Sorina Teleanu delivered the first autumn briefing focussing on the UN Cybercrime Convention and forthcoming UN Global Digital Compact

Diplo INSTA Kautilya in Modern Governance and
5 September | Online
Professor Subrata K. Mitra offered timely and inspiring insights by drawing parallels between Kautilya’s Arthashastra—one of the world’s oldest and most comprehensive treatises on statecraft—and our current governance challenges.
Blavatnik School of Government
9-10 September | In situ (Oxford)
Marilia Maciel from Diplo delivered a presentation on the interplay between trade agreements and AI accountability at the Blavantik School of Governance in Oxford, focusing on provisions that deal with the source code of algorithms. She also participated in by-invitation expert consultations with the US Trade Representative, Katherine Tai. 
flags at united nations headquarters new york usa
20-23 September | Online reporting
Diplo will deliver just-in-time reporting from the Summit of the Future, a pivotal event to build a shared consensus for a better future for humanity.
flags at united nations headquarters new york usa
24-39 September | Online reporting
Diplo will deliver just-in-time reporting from UNGA 79 with analysis and insights from speeches of world leaders and heads of state.
26 September | In situ (Sofia)

Jovan Kurbalija will deliver a Keynote address on ‘AI: Explore the transformative impact of AI on the media industry’ at the EBU Leadership Council in Sofia. 

bulgarian diplomatic institute
27 September | In situ (Sofia)

Jovan Kurbalija will deliver a Master Briefing on ‘Demystifying AI for diplomats’ at the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute.

440 360 max July newsletter banner
30 September | Online event

The online webinar will celebrate the 500th issue of DiploNews, reflecting on the evolution of digitalization since the first edition was published in September 1999. Join us to explore the evolution of digitalisation over the last 25 years. Explore more in DiploNews.

30 September | Online event
Dissemination is a frequently used term these days. Diplo has comprehensively explored the policy, philosophical, and practical dimensions of disinformation, content governance, and human rights. Join us for the launch of this timely and insightful study.
IMG 4093 X5
1 October | In situ (Geneva – by invitation)

Diplo will host its annual welcome session for newly-appointed permanent representatives, focusing on introducing them to the key digital actors, issues, and processes in International Geneva.

Diplo publication Tech Diplomacy A4 1
1 October | Online

Jovan Kurbalija will present a new publication on tech diplomacy, focusing on ways and means of how tech companies interact with governments and diplomatic services. 

IDFT logo
8-11 October | In situ (Budva, Montenegro)

Diplo will host an interactive session on the impact of AI on pedagogy and diplomatic training, showcasing new learning methods through practical examples from Diplo’s teaching courses. Explore more at the Diplo AI campus.

africa on the globe map
23 October | Online

The session will explore the unique aspects of using digital technology for African elections, featuring insights from leading experts on digitalization and electoral processes across the continent.

  • Cybercrime regulation and policy
  • Disinformation and content governance

For up-to-date information from Diplo you can subscribe to wide range of newsletters, bookmark our websites www.diplomacy.edu and dig.watch, and follow social media channels.

As we move into a busy autumn, we look forward to your continued engagement and contributions.

Warm regards,

The Diplo Team

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