lighting, Diplomacy

Preventing Terrorists from Exploiting ICT (Special Meeting)

30 November 2016 - 01 December 2016

New York

Event description

The Counter-Terrorism Committee will organize a special meeting on “Preventing the exploitation of information and communication technologies (ICT) for terrorist purposes, while respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

Taking place at United Nations headquarters on Thursday 1 December 2016 in Conference room 4, the special meeting is open to Member and Observer States, members of the media including photographers with valid accreditation, United Nations staff and interns, UN entities, intergovernmental organizations, and specialized agencies, as well as invited guests with a valid UN grounds pass. The event will be webcast at

The special meeting will be preceded by a series of preparatory technical sessions, organized by the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) on Wednesday 30 November and in the morning of Thursday 1 December.

You can register here. For more information visit the event page.