Event description
A regional Ministerial Conference on High-Tech Crime and Information Security under the slogan ‘Connect Securely!’, organised by the Serbian Ministry of Interior, implemented by the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) and funded by the United Kingdom’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), will take place on 20-21 September in Belgrade, Serbia.
The conference aims to establish a political dialogue in the region on growing threats in cyberspace, to promote the role of international and regional co-operation, as well as co-operation with the private sector, with the goal of achieving a higher level of information security and advancing the fight against high-tech crime. DiploFoundation’s representatives Mr Arvin Kamberi and Ms Andrijana Gavrilovic will take part in the event, to further support the cybersecurity process that DiploFoundation sparked and fueled in both Serbia and the region in the previous years.