lighting, Diplomacy

Diplo & GIP at Big data, big problems? Challenges and opportunities in the context of data ownership, privacy and protection

24 January 2018 -

Geneva, Switzerland

DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform will participate in the event ‘Big Data, Big Problems? Challenges and Opportunities in the context of Data Ownership, Privacy and Protection’, taking place on 24 January 2018, in Geneva. Dr Jovan Kurbalija, Director of DiploFoundation and Head of the Geneva Internet Platform will delive a keynote address. Ms Barbara Rosen Jacobson, Programme Manager at DiploFoundation will participate in the panel discussion. 


The event ‘Big Data, Big Problems? Challenges and Opportunities in the context of Data Ownership, Privacy and Protection’ will be held on 24 January 2018, in Geneva, Switzerland. It is organised by a group of young professionals from the Carlo Schmid program, and supported by the Carlo Schmid Network for International Politics, the German Academic Exchange Service, and the Delegation of the European Union to the UN an other international organisations in Geneva.

The event will discuss developments in the field of big data, and the need for smart policies to regulate data in the context of privacy, protection, and ownership. Some of the questions to be addressed include: How can we make sure that individual rights are protected while not restricting the opportunities big data provides for our society as a whole? What kind of policies do we need to avoid the unethical use of big data analysis?

The discussion will revolve around three thematic blocks:

  • Opportunities of big data: What are the most promising opportunities of big data?
  • Challenges of big data: What chalenges does the use of big data pose? Do the benefits outweight these challenges?
  • Big data governance and regulation: What does big data regulation look like? Are challenges sufficiently address?

The event will take place between 13.00 and 15.00 UTC, and will be hosted by the Delegation of the European Union to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva. This is an invitation-only event.