Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

Address: APEC Secretariat 35 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119616


Stakeholder group: NGOs and associations

The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a regional economic forum bringing together 21 countries with the aim to support sustainable economic growth and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. APEC's work is dedicated to the creation of a framework allowing for goods, services, investment, and people to circulate easily across the borders of its member states. To this aim, the organisation is encouraging the synchronisation of regulations and standards within the region.

One of APEC's areas of activity is telecommunications and information. A Telecommunications and Information Working Group has been created within the organisation with the aim to contribute to the development of information and communication technology (ICTs) infrastructure and services, as well as to promote cooperation, information sharing and the development of effective ICT policies and regulations. It also aims to ensure affordable access to ICTs and Internet across the region, to enhance social and economic development through the use of ICTs, and to promote a secure and trusted ICT environment. In 2010, the group adopted the Okinawa Declaration on 'ICT as an Engine for New Socio-economic Growth', which set as target for 2020 the provision of access to next generation high speed broadband across the region. Additionally, APEC is also involved in ICT training and capacity building initiatives, and some of its projects in this area are focused on providing digital skills training for rural communities.

An Electronic Commerce Steering Group exists within APEC, and its objective is to promote the development and use of electronic commerce by creating legal, regulatory and policy environments in the region. The organisation also pays attention to issues related to privacy and data protection, especially with regards to cross-border data flows, as well as to maters related to online piracy.